Does Cranberry Juice Actually Get Rid of UTIs?

Actually Get Rid of UTIs

Does Cranberry Juice Actually Get Rid of UTIs?

If you have experienced a urinary tract infection, or UTI, you know how uncomfortable it can be. These are especially common after intercourse and many people wonder how to prevent a UTI after sex.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options, ranging from antibiotics to natural medicine, including herbal remedies, hygiene and drinking cranberry juice. There is some doubt about the effectiveness of cranberry juice, but the information presented below may be of help in addressing your concerns and learning how to prevent a UTI in alternative ways.

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Facts on UTI

Some of the major points about urinary tract infection are given here:

  1. Women have higher lifetime risk of around 50% of developing a UTI
  2. A UTI is diagnosed depending on the symptoms and test of urine sample.
  3. It can be cured in just 2 to 3 days.
  4. Cranberry extracts are not efficient to treat UTI but they lower the chances of recurrent UTI.

Urinary Tract Infection Causes and Symptoms

Millions of people experience UTIs every year, but it is still considered a taboo topic. These infections are caused by bacteria in the urinary tract and may affect the bladder, kidneys, urethra and ureters. This type of infection most commonly affects women, although men may also be susceptible. The major culprit of this infection is the E coli bacteria. It lives in the bowel and near the anus. The most common causes of spread of this bacteria are wiping and sexual intercourse. Often the bacteria can travel to the bladder via the urethra where they flourish and create an infection. It can further go up from the bladder to the kidney and may cause a kidney infection which may become a critical issue if not treated quickly.

Symptoms typically include the following:

Infection of the urethra or bladder: It may create bladder infection, dysuria, problem of frequent urination, urinary urgency, foul smelling urine, pain in lower abdomen while urinating, mild fever and burning sensation when urinating.

Upper urinary tract infection: The symptoms include fairly high fever, nausea, vomiting and flank pain.

Sometimes, the patient may not experience any symptom of urinary tract infection. And sometimes, the symptoms differ on the basis of your age.

New-borns: Poor feeding, low body temperature and jaundice.

Infants: Diarrhoea, poor feeding, vomiting and fever.

Kids: Lack of proper diet, unexplained fever, different urination patterns, loss of bowel control, irritation.

Elders: Fever, lack of appetite, mood swings, lethargy.

Pregnant women are at a higher risk to showcase symptoms of UTI.

When should you seek medical assistance?

If any kid or adult has developed the symptoms of the UTI, then it should first be evaluated by a doctor in 24 hours. Often doctors suggest for a quick urine dipstick test. And, once the lower urinary tract infection or upper urinary tract infection has been detected, then healthcare assistance should be provided accordingly.

Diagnosis of urinary tract infection

Diagnosis of UTI is done on the basis of the symptoms of the patient, his/ her medical history, lifestyle, health and habits and a physical examination and test.

Usually doctors go for urine dipstick test to obtain quick results. Some may suggest for a lab urine sample test for culture testing. The result may take some time. It will help the doctor to reveal the exact bacteria which is causing the infection and which antibiotics can render resistance.

The most common treatment is antibiotics and doctors offering education about how to prevent a UTI after sex. However, the kind of antibiotic needed and time for which the treatment needs to be carried out depends on your severity. Your doctor will choose the right medication for your condition as per your age and weight. However, some UTIs do not respond to antibiotics prescribed by medical professionals. This is especially true for people with recurring UTIs. When this happens, many people begin looking for alternative options, such as natural options and preventative measures for chronic UTI treatment.

It is said that cranberry help in preventing UTI, but are these berries really providing you with medicinal benefits? Well, some studies reveal that drinking cranberry juice definitely prevents UTI in women. Scientists say cranberry juice has an active ingredient in cranberry which avoids adherence of the E. Coli bacteria to the bladder wall. Clinical studies reveal the efficacy of cranberry extract and juices in the prevention of UTI.

Scientists also suggest a theory that cranberries also secure against UTI by making your urine more acidic which is less friendly to bacteria such as E. Coli.  And, you have one more theory which states that cranberries make it difficult for the infection causing bacteria to adhere to the urinary tract walls. All in all, it offers helps in preventing recurrent urinary tract infection and creates a slipper coating on the walls to make it tough for the bacteria to get a grip and stick to it.

The Benefits of Cranberry Juice

There is a common belief that cranberry juice can help with UTIs, both as a preventative measure and as a treatment option. The key when using cranberry juice as a treatment option is that it must be unsweetened. Studies have shown that women who drink unsweetened cranberry juice lower their chances of having a UTI. This is because the cranberries prevent infections by prohibiting bacteria from remaining in the urinary tract. No bacteria mean no infection, which is why cranberry juice is such a powerful option when learning how to prevent a UTI after sex.

Cranberry Juice as a Natural Treatment Option

If you are someone that has a UTI or is susceptible to recurrent UTIs but traditional antibiotics don’t work, you may want to try cranberry juice and other natural options. If you have already got the infection, then your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to wipe out the infection and suggest drinking cranberry juice to help you flush out the bacteria from your body and quick the healing procedure. Cranberry juice lowers the risk of getting a UTI again and makes your body resistant towards the infecting bacteria.

However, it is very important to drink the juice in its pure form without using any sweetener. Apart from this you can also prevent it from happening by drinking lots and lots of water, urinating after sexual intercourse, staying away from hot baths and bubble baths, not wearing tight fitting clothes.

So, the bottom line is that cranberry will not hurt you but it will definitely help. However, in case you have any health issues or stomach infection or you are taking blood thinning medicines, then it is important that you consult a doctor first and then continue your cranberry juice intake. Often a lot of intake of cranberry may lead to other problems, in case you have any other contradicting health issues with you. Consume cranberry more frequently to lower the risks of UTIs during every phase of your life. It strengthens your bladder walls and make it resistant for bacterial growth.

There isn’t any hard and fast rule which suggest that cranberry can cure UTI but it will definitely prevent it from recurring again and again and make your body resistant to such infections on a regular basis.


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