Eat losing weight

Eat losing weight

Weeks One and Two

You should have a set schedule when you decide to seriously work on a diet and know what kind of foods you can eat and how many calories you’ll be consuming per week.  Protein will help you to get the fuel you need to burn fat. In the beginning of your diet you should limit yourself to between 1,200 and 1.500 calories per day. You have to make sure you get enough lean proteins around 800 calories per day. Eat plenty of healthy fats that come in foods like avocado and nuts around 100 calories worth and  fill up the rest of the necessary calories eating fermented foods like sauerkraut.

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Be sure to walk 10,000 steps a day and have a 14-hour break between dinner and breakfast. Make sure you drink plenty of water and avoid eating dairy and processed foods. In-between you can drink ginger and turmeric tea and make sure to focus on whole, natural foods. You can make meals for dinner like how to boil chicken breast

Now you want to incorporate a Keto-like eating plan and make sure you are getting plenty of fiber from veggies. You can make delicious foods like chicken pasta salad Be sure to have up to four servings of fibrous veggies per day which would be up to 200 calories. The foods to include are peas, broccoli, lentils, leeks, and asparagus. The veggies will fill you up and also give you energy to get through your days while providing you with necessary vitamins.

Weeks Eleven to Twelve

In the final stage you should make sure that you maintain your fat loss. Make sure that you’re getting plenty of fiber with whole grain carbs, fruit, and green veggies Bake yourself some delicious keto zucchini bread Including plenty of fiber in your diet will keep you feeling regular and will protect you again strokes and heart attacks. It can help to improve your cholesterol level and blood sugar levels. Fiber rich diets also protect us from developing bowel cancer.

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At this point in your diet you should be adding more carbs about 400 calories to keep your diet well-balanced. Be sure to avoid carbs that are full of sugars. Make sure you’re eating plenty of veggies, fruits, lentils and chickpeas, nuts, oats, brown rice, and sweet potatoes.

Keep Moving

Even though you are following a no-exercise diet plan you have to keep moving so make sure you get those 10,000 steps per day to remain active. Combine your walking routine with the right kind of nutritious and natural foods and you will start seeing those pounds disappearing. To make sure you are doing it right you can purchase a counter that will keep track of the steps you take every day.

Remember that any diet requires you to keep track of the calories you consume each day and the kinds of foods you eat. Always have some healthy snacks on hand like nuts to tide you over when you feel hunger strike between meals. Being on a diet does not always require you to go all out for exercising or joining a gym. You can lose weight without all that just always keep active and go out walking every day. Keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables at home so you can always prepare yourself a healthy meal and you won’t be tempted to eat anything that will only give you empty calories. Keep a journal of all that you do every day counting your calories and noting the foods you are eating. It will help you keep on track with your dieting. 

Calorie Counting Works the Best

Calorie counting can put perspective into any diet and can help you avoid the mistakes of taking one splurge after another thinking that it won’t affect your diet at all. Well, first of all you should write up a diet plan and make sure you count the total calories you need to eat each day to be able to lose weight. Keep in mind that if at any time you are tempted to head for a fast food restaurant thinking just once won’t hurt, it will not only hurt your diet but if you wanted to lose all those calories afterward you’d have to spend at least half a day at the gym and who has time for that.

It is best to consider your average caloric intake. For women a 1,200 calorie diet per day can help them to slim down. The average weight loss calorie goal is about 1,500 – 1,700 calories per day. It all depends on what your present weight is and how active you are.

Planning Your Meals

It is best to plan your meals for a week at a time. This way you can do your shopping just for the foods you’ll need and avoid the temptation of returning to the store again and again only to see the food you would like to eat but cannot have while you’re on the diet. It will greatly help if you prepare your foods ahead of time. Have the food you’ll eat at breakfast easy to reach and the foods that you’ll take for lunch and snacks already prepared the night before. Keeping your caloric goal in mind each day and having the foods you need at hand will greatly help you to avoid any temptations.

Best Foods to Choose

When making your meal plans it is best to choose veggies, fruits, and other low-fat foods. Choosing higher-fat foods like bacon and cheese will be like consuming more than half your day’s calorie intake already at breakfast. To leave you plenty of calories to spare during the day try making an egg white omelet stuffed with mushrooms, onions, green peppers, and some low-fat cheese. It will fill you up at breakfast and give you the energy to start your day, still leaving you plenty of more calories to add to during the day. 

Starting an Exercise Routine

If you are not used to being very active begin by walking briskly each day and increase the length of your walk as you go along. When you have lost some weight it might then be easier to begin jogging. Always remember to add to you exercising gradually so that you don’t overwhelm yourself and want to resist exercising.

Once you have a daily meal plan and you have started exercising start a daily journal. Make entries every day to keep track of your progress so you can see how much weight you are losing and how much you still have to lose.

Alternatives to Calorie Counting

Eating smaller portions and include foods that are beneficial to dieting like veggies and fruits instead of ice cream. Always make sure you keep a list of foods that will help you to lose weight and leave the sweet treats behind. Remember if you lessen the amount of food you eat it will also lessen the amount of calories that you consume.

Among the foods to avoid while dieting are:

  • French fries and potato chips
  • Sugary drinks
  • White bread
  • Candy bars
  • Most fruit juices
  • Pastries, cookies, and cakes
  • You can drink wine in moderation but avoid beer
  • Ice cream
  • Pizza
  • High-calorie coffee drinks

Avoiding Temptation While Dieting

  • Once you get a craving for something you cannot have, just take a few deep breaths and relax. Close your eyes and think of other things. Get your mind back on track.
  • Take a look at your journal which records all your good work and how much weight you have already lost. Keep your goal in mind.
  • Go for a brisk walk and walk off that temptation. Go to the park or other places where they are no stores or fast food places for you to look at.
  • Always have some tasty, crunchy fruits or veggies ready to snack on.
  • If things get bad make sure there is a friend or family member you can talk to. Reason with them and you’ll manage to avoid temptation.
  • Find an activity that will distract you.
  • Think back on what brought on the craving to avoid having it happen again.


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