Dumbbell exercises you need to start doing now!

Dumbbell exercises you need to start doing now!

It’s no breaking news that bench sets come in different weights, we’ve got weights ranging from 2.5 lb. to 500 lb. The same thing also applies for dumbbells and barbells, these will ultimately help you complete all of your weightlifting sets. But weights and sizes aren’t why we are here today, right? Trust me, getting a new body doesn’t have to be hard, no matter what you are trying to achieve, building your muscles, cardiovascular fitness or even fat loss, dumbbells will do the trick, the only condition is, you have to use them the right way.Get Ultra Trim buy

I will be sharing with you some dumbbell exercises that I’m sure you’ve not tried on your own, at least, every technique/move we will be touching today are moves that will help you harness the power of controlled free weight exercises

  • Farmer’s walk

This is one dumbbell exercise that helps to improve your grip strength. You need not to worry about the technique, it is not complicated – just walking. Even at that, it still won’t hurt you; though it involves a process known as irradiation. Basically, this process bunches your rotator cuff, thereby, protecting your shoulders. How it’s done? Simple, just take a walk forward (small distance walk), but you have to move as fast as possible – just be careful while at it.

  • Lateral raise

The lateral raise involves holding your dumbbell in both hands, but it should be next to your outer thighs, while at that, make sure your back remains straight. Now, move the weights up slowly out to both sides; keeping it there until both arms are parallel to the ground. This is one exercise that will help strengthen your arms. You just have to make sure your elbows are slightly bent, and to end it all, slowly lower both dumbbells back to the starting point. If you are still wondering what this move does to your body? its simple, this exercise targets the medial (outer) head of the deltoid muscle.

  • Bent over row

Bent over row tends to target several muscles in your upper body, that includes your biceps, traps, not forgetting your lats and biceps too. What’s interesting about this move is that it gives you that V-shape that guys crave for. To do this, you will have to keep your core very tight and your back should be kept straight as you row the dumbbells up to your chest. Lower your upper part and repeat this process again.

  • Two arm Dumbbell Stiff Legged

The two arm Dumbbell stiff legged makes your leg more straight and powerful, it does this by focusing on your fast-twitch lower-body muscles. Coupled with this is the fact that it prevents lower back and hip related issues and you tend to get your entire posterior chain working perfectly as it should. Arguably, this is one free-weight exercise that helps to build the lower part of your body without injuries. To do this, you will have to lower the weight (dumbbells) to the top of your feet, make sure your waist is involved totally, now, slowly move back to the starting point – pretty simple, right?Pure Cambogia Ultra Buy Now

  • Lunge

Have you heard of this free weight technique before? What it does is that it helps build up more strength, burn loads of calories and more strength too. This method is great for beginners, especially those that are too scared to go under a heavy barbell – I understand, this can be quite intimidating at first. So, you’ve got an easier alternative to work with here. While holding your dumbbells by your sides, take a big step forward, then, lower your body to the point where both knees are bent. Finally, push up by using your front leg like a spring (you need not jump up) and return to the point where you started from.

  • Biceps curl

The Biceps curl seems to be one of the easiest ways to build up your chest and biceps. It’s done by holding up your dumbbells right in front of your thighs with both palms facing out. You will then need to curl the dumbbells close to your chest (it should be raised properly), now take it down again. This exercise will be done perfectly if your elbows are pinned out to both sides. You start to feel the pressure shifting from your elbows to your shoulders as you curl the dumbbells to your chest.

  • One Arm Swing

Recruit your muscle that lies within your posterior chain and builds your grip strength with the One Arm Free-weight technique. The two aren’t the only thing this technique can help build, it helps to build/improve your quadriceps, shoulders and back muscles. You will be amazed at how fast your body will be transformed, that is if it’ done the right way. Just sink into a rhythmic squat and swing movement while holding on to your dumbbell. The dumbbell should be swung when placed in between your legs, that way, you will be lifting the dumbbell outside (like you are trying to throw something away. You should repeat this position with both arms.

  • Chest pullover

The last hand-held free weight technique we have on our list requires you using a bench, it tends to target the inner and upper section of your chest. How it’s done? Just lay your back on a bench while holding dumbbells in your two arms right above your head. You will then keep your arms straight but make sure they aren’t locked. Gently lower the dumbbell behind your head, do this until there is a feeling of stretch on your chest. As usual, you should return to the starting point and repeat this movement again.Turmeric Slim buy

There are tons of hand-held free weight technique out there that we didn’t mention, starting with these ones will surely help build the muscles, chest, and burn calories, something I’m sure you’ve always dreamt of. Getting all of these (muscles and biceps) shouldn’t be hard considering these simple techniques that we’ve highlighted above.