Electronic Cigarettes and How to Successfully Quit Long Term

Electronic Cigarettes and How to Successfully Quit Long Term

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) have a particular appeal to their respective users. Some users use e-cigs because it’s a good alternative to smoking. Others love the taste of e-cigs or vapes and have come to rely on these for stress relief. However, there may come a time that you may want to quit electronic cigarette smoking but you don’t exactly know where to begin. Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean the journey is completely impossible. You just need to learn some ways to help you quit e-cigs for the long term.Rapid Tone buy

It might help to know more about vaping or e-cigs in general before deciding to quit. You shouldn’t feel bad about deciding to quit e-cigs, as a lot of people do decide to use e-cigs for positive reasons. For example, some try e-cigs as a way to slowly quit cigarette smoking, as an alternative to tobacco smoking, or as a “healthier” version of the habit. In the United States alone, almost 50% of current cigarette smokers and more than half of former smokers tried e-cigs, and 3.7% of all adults in the country use e-cigs on a regular basis.

Electronic Cigarettes: Is Quitting Possible?

Organizations such as Ecassoc.org can actually provide you with more specific ways of quitting e-cigs based on your situation and specific needs, especially if you think circumstances in life are getting in the way of quitting e-cig smoking.

How do users decide to quit e-cigs for the long term? Here are the basics:

  • Be clear with why you want to quit: Examine yourself and be clear as to why you want to quit e-cigs in the first place. The right mentality is important when it comes to pursuing something you like. Try to read on the negative effects of e-cigs or the health benefits you will reap if you quit. Having a substantial “why” for your action and a clear vision of your future self can be a good starting point for your journey.
  • Formulate a proper plan on quitting: Saying that you want to “quit” is entirely different from actually having a proper plan on quitting. If you’ve decided to fully quit, you should make sure that you have a concrete goal and a plan to follow. Your goal and action steps must be SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. For example, “I want to quit smoking” won’t exactly work your way since it’s too vague. “I want to quit smoking in 25 weeks by doing these…” is so much clearer and better.Keto Ultra buy
  • Have a reward to look forward to: It also helps to actually have a reward “prepared” should you be successful in your endeavors. Try to hold onto not giving you something big until you’ve actually “quit” to your standards. This is best done with an object that can be useful in the long term, such as a car, an apartment, or something that is meaningful to you. This reward can be the symbol of your journey and the “change” that you worked so hard to achieve so you are always reminded to be a responsible nonsmoker.
  • Look forward to quitting: Another important aspect of quitting is to actually look forward to it. Don’t dread the moment as though it’s something that can never be achieved. Look forward to it with the mentality that you’ll constantly find better ways to pursue your quitting goals so you can finally be “free” of your desire to smoke.
  • Stay away from temptation: An integral part of quitting e-cigs is actually staying away from temptations. If a certain situation or person or circumstance motivates you to smoke, try to get away from that temptation in order to avoid going back to your old habit.
  • Make your achievements incremental, instead of one big goal: Instead of pushing for “I want to quit” as your one and only goal, try to divide it into incremental “goals” that you can work towards. You can start by first minimizing the number of times you’ll use an e-cig, then discarding your e-cig supply, and then not using e-cigs entirely. The point here is to slowly develop habits that would make you stop e-cigs without having to feel pressured and stressed in the process.
  • Find replacement hobbies that are good for you: Remember, it’s very likely that you continued using e-cigs because it has become a habit of sorts for you. You might use an e-cig because you’re stressed or you need something to do to pass the time. You can therefore develop healthy habits for you to follow. You can listen to music instead, go for a stroll, eat a snack, or even work out.
  • Track your progress: One of the best ways to successfully quit e-cigs is to actually keep track of your progress. This can be done by using a journal or an app. The point here is to constantly show yourself how far you’ve gone and the milestones you need to achieve in order to reach your goals.
  • Inform people around you so they can help you adjust: Quitting shouldn’t be something you should do alone. You can actually inform the people close to you and those you work with about your plans so they are aware of your goal. As a bonus, these people may even offer you help and support. They may help you adjust by actively reminding you to avoid instances where you can smoke. They may stop tempting you and may even be motivated to quit their habits, too. Your loved ones and friends can be one of the most efficient support systems you can have with you.
  • Seek professional help so you can have more specific strategies: Seeking professional help from psychiatrists or tapping into a community of e-cig quitters can help you get more ideas on how to quit successfully. You don’t have to go through this endeavor alone. If your own methods don’t work, you can ask others for their strategies so you can also apply them in your daily life.
  • Be patient and take your time, but be smart about it: Remember, this recovery process is something that is personal and unique to you. As such, you have no need to pressure yourself into being “on the same level” as other people who did. You don’t even have to “quit immediately.” However, you do have to be smart with the way you pursue your goals. Know that you’re allowed to take rests, but remember that you shouldn’t stop with your goal even if your feel tired.Forskolin order

Conclusion: Quitting Electronic Cigarettes Can Be Accomplished

If you find yourself hesitant to quit e-cigs because you don’t know where to start, follow the above steps as a guide to jump start your journey to wellness. Tell yourself that it’s possible for you to quit electronic cigarette smoking – it will just take a bit of time, patience, and effort on your part to consistently push through with the kind of positive changes you want to make. The important matter here is that quitting isn’t impossible and you are totally in control.