Tips to Choose the Best Teeth Whitening Products in Australia

Tips to Choose the Best Teeth Whitening Products in Australia

If there is one thing that contributes to a low confidence level in people, it is yellow and stained teeth. Even attractive people with discoloured teeth lose their poise and keep their mouths closed when photographed. Till a few decades back, a visit to the dentist for expensive professional teeth whitening treatment was the only way out for them.

Today, the scenario is entirely different. Very effective teeth whitening products are available in Australia that provides guaranteed results and brings the sparkle back to teeth. Most importantly, all these kits are affordable for the ordinary person and the treatment can be carried out at home as per convenience.AltaWhite

Why do teeth turn yellow and stained?

Before going into the best stain removal products, it will be relevant to know what causes yellowing and stains to the teeth. The original colour of teeth ranges from white to yellow with many shades in-between including red and grey with the latter becoming more prominent with age.

There is another effect of ageing too. The outer enamel layer of teeth which is strong and durable becomes thin because of wear and tear and the inner layer of dentine which is dark in colour comes to the surface. Subsequently, the dentine structure begins to absorb minerals from the pulp which is the inner and the last layer. All these changes over time lead to the teeth losing their original shine and lustre.Smile

Other than these factors, prevailing lifestyles also contribute to stained teeth. Tea, coffee and smoking marks are the most common as are stains from leftover food particles and some specific items such as beetroot and soy sauce. Even health issues during growing years can impact teeth colour. High fevers and prolonged intake of certain drugs like tetracycline often adversely affect teeth colour.

How to choose the best teeth whitening items in Australia?

There are some factors that you should keep in mind when choosing a teeth whitening kit in Australia.

Know the ingredients

Regardless of whether you are ordering the whitening items online or picking them up from a local supermarket shelf, your focus should be on reading the label and knowing the active ingredients. There are two of them that matter when it comes to cleaning of teeth. One is hydrogen peroxide and the other is carbamide peroxide. Only whiteners with peroxide can reach the deep levels of teeth and clean out the surface and inner stains. Other whitening products in toothpaste can clean out only surface stains.

Safe peroxide levels

The safe upper limits of peroxide levels for teeth whitening are 10% for hydrogen peroxide and 35% for carbamide peroxide. At higher concentration levels, the chemical can, because of its corrosive nature, damage the mucous membranes, skin and tissue and lead to a burning and itching sensation.

However, even using products with the maximum permissible limit of 10% and 35% of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide should be done under dentist’s supervision. The gum tissue should be protected with a gel or rubber layer before the peroxides are applied. The effect of 10% hydrogen peroxide is theoretically equal to that of 35% carbamide peroxide.Altawhite

Whitening results

Certain sites carry out experiments with teeth whitening items and give the results for the benefit of the visitors. and Men’s Health are two such sites you can refer to. You can also research Consumer Reports on the subject. When starting off, look at the “before” photographs of those taking part in the experiments and then compare the colour of your teeth with the ones closest to that condition and colour of teeth as given in the photographs. Next, evaluate which product was able to bring back the sparkle to the teeth from the “after” photographs against specific products. You will find that the higher peroxide levels and more the contact of the product with the teeth, the more satisfactory are the results.


Getting the right product is crucial. With any complex teeth whitening procedure you will be likely to leave the treatment halfway while effective treatments require that you use the products regularly. The best teeth whiteners are those that are easy to use and which you will be comfortable with. This is one reason why it is not possible to accurately say which these best products are because in the long run, it boils down to personal preferences and convenience.

In-demand whitening products for teeth in Australia

Now that you know how best to select a whitening product that matches your specific need, here are some of them that are very popular in Australia. However, before choosing an item, search online for the reputation and goodwill in the market of the manufacturer. For online purchases, one of the leading stores is Active Smile Teeth Whitening Kits with a range of various products that have proved to be very useful for removing even the most stubborn stains.

Here are a few teeth whitening kits and procedures that you can use for pearly white teeth and sparking smile.

Teeth whitening strips

Teeth whitening strips are ideal for those on a budget and with light stains and discolouration only. The strips are made of plastic and have a coating of teeth whitening gel on them. These have to be wrapped around the teeth and kept for half an hour. The gel penetrates the stains and breaks them down. The process has to be regularly carried out for ten to fifteen days before positive results are visible. The gel contains hydrogen peroxide but with concentration levels around 6% which is much lower than products used by dentists.

Activated charcoal teeth whitening products

Charcoal in dental-grade teeth whitening powder is made from organic coconut husks that are subjected to intense heat and burning. The resultant residue is ground to fine silt. When this is mixed with water, it becomes a mixture similar to toothpaste which can then be applied over the teeth.activated charcol

The charcoal molecules absorb the toxins that cause yellowing and discolouration. This mixture of toxins and charcoal are then disposed when the brushed residue is spat out and the mouth adequately rinsed. The one advantage of this process is that results are immediately visible after cleaning the mouth.

Teeth whitening gel

A tooth whitening gel kit comes with three or four gel filled syringes, whitening LED light, a top or bottom teeth tray and a holding case for the trays. Gel from a syringe is put on the mouth whitening tray which is then placed over the teeth in the mouth. The LED light has to be switched on. After about 10 minutes a beeper will sound signalling the end of the session after which the mouth tray is to be removed. If the results are not satisfactory the process should be repeated again.

The limit for a day is four sessions of a total of forty minutes duration. The gel contains carbamide peroxide which is one of the safest and most effective of teeth whitening ingredients.

While using teeth whitening products in Australia, it has to be kept in mind that results of the processes vary from person to person depending on the extent of discolouration and stains.