21 Best Muscle Building Food For Vegetarians

muscle building food

One of the most important considerations for the vegetarian body builder is to ensure that you are taking in enough calories. If not, you will end up using your protein for fuel instead of helping to build muscle. Eat a good variety of fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, legumes and include a protein shake if you can find a vegetarian one. Here is some of the best food for you to eat to build muscle. Consider taking supplements as they are a great way to ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals for a healthy diet and tom aid in building muscle and sustaining muscle growth. Sometimes vegetarians can be low in calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium so make sure your diet is rich in foods containing these essential minerals.

Here is Top 21 best muscle building food for vegetarians :

  1. Nuts

Full of protein, fibre and healthy fats nuts are a great snack food during and after a workout. Choose almonds or cashews with almonds containing 30 grams of protein per cup. A higher calorie nut, the cashew is ideal for an after workout calorie intake at 150 calories per cup.

  1. Seeds

Seeds can boost your intake of omega 3 and fatty acids. Sprinkle flax seeds on your cereal or add to your green smoothie. Chia seeds, sunflower seeds are great in salads and help reduce any inflammation in muscle after a workout. They also contain proteins and fibre.

  1. Beans and other legumes

Legumes and beans are a rich source of protein with chickpeas having 40 grams of protein in a cup. Add kidney beans, pinto beans or any other bean to your meals and you will have a protein rich dish. Beans and legumes boost your insulin response, essential for muscle growth and nutrient absorption. Don’t forget about hummus, a chickpea dip that can be spread on crackers and sandwiches. Peas are a good source of protein too and contain branched chain amino acids for muscle growth.

  1. Quinoa

Though brown rice is a good staple for vegetarians, quinoa is higher in protein and contains all 9 amino acids needed by our body. It is a rich source of good carbohydrates essential for energy.

  1. Tofu and tempeh

A great source of protein from soy beans. Can be cooked in several ways to make it a tasty protein addition. Marinate in soy sauce and chili or eat as is in salads and stir fries. Contains isoflavens and amino acids essential in muscle growth.

Tempeh is another soy product for extra protein. Has a texture more like meat for a different take on soy beans.

  1. Soy protein powder

A great source of protein that you can add to smoothes and soups for added protein. Great if you can’t come at tofu or tempeh.

  1. Oats

muscle building foods oats
A great breakfast cereal with a low GI for extra energy. A great base to add raisins and dried fruits to for a tasty meal. Can be made into biscuits for sweet treat after training.

  1. Fruits

A great source of natural sugars and carbohydrates essential for energy. Bananas and apples are a great source of vitamins and make a great fruit smoothie or juice. Just be careful of the amount you eat as the high sugar content is a quick energy fix and is not a sustained release of energy.

  1. Dried fruits

Great as a snack and full of calories and vitamins. Try a handful of raisins mixed with almonds as a great snack or add to your breakfast cereal. Prunes contain good fibre and aid digestion.

  1. Leafy greens

Leafy green vegetables add vitamins and trace elements to your diet. Try adding spinach, kale and lettuces to smoothies and salads to get vitamins A, B, C, D, E and antioxidants. The antioxidants will help speed up your muscle recovery and help reduce inflammation. Spinach also contains high levels of calcium. Also try mustard greens, kale, beetroot leaves (great in salads) and collard greens.

  1. Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables

These are a great source of calcium and antioxidants and can be blended in a green smoothie, made into soup or added to stir fries.

  1. Protein shakes

These are rich in protein and good carbohydrates and are great to have before a workout session. The mix of protein with carbohydrates acts to improve the synthesis of protein and boost blood flow as well as a great energy supply.

  1. Peanut butter and nut butters

Peanut butter and nut butters
Don’t dismiss this standby for added calories and as a snack food. Choose natural nut butters with no additives and spread on whole-wheat toast or spread over your banana for a great snack.

  1. Spinach

A great source of much needed iron that we would normally get from red meat. Spinach can be added to smoothies, stir fries and salads.

  1. Cottage cheeseCottage cheese

A full fat cottage cheese a is a great food for vegetarians as it contains casein, a protein that we digest slowly and causes amino acid levels to rise in or blood. Great food for improving lean muscle mass.

  1. Dairy products

A great source of protein, calcium and fats essential for energy and muscle growth. Calcium is the main mineral found in dairy products and is great for muscle and bone health. Just watch your intake of fat if you are cheese lover.

  1. Avocados

Not only a great butter substitute but full of healthy fats. Spread on toast or great in a salad sandwich.

  1. Hemp seeds

This great food supplement is high in iron and magnesium as well as containing protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Just one serving contains 50% of your daily fibre intake.

  1. Fermented dairy products

Higher in calories than regular dairy products and containing important probiotics, yoghurt, buttermilk and kefir will also improve digestion of all foods you eat. This means that you are getting the maximum amount of calories and nutrients from your diet.

  1. Dietary supplements

muscle building foods Omega
No matter how careful you are eating a good variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and dairy products you may still need to supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B12 is especially important as is zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. Try a good multi-vitamin or talk to your health food shop or pharmacist for information.

  1. Non dairy milk substitutes

An easy way to add calories and protein and calcium as most milk substitutes has added calcium. Try soy milk or almond milk, Drink on its own cold from the fridge, add to your smoothie or breakfast cereal and have a soy coffee as a treat when out.

As you can see from this list there are a large range of foods for the vegetarian gym goer. Select a variety so you don’t get bored with your diet. Mix and match vegetables and fruits, add protein powder to smoothies and soups or sprinkle on your breakfast cereal.