How CBD Can Improve Your Life

How CBD Can Improve Your Life

There is extensive medical research that has been done with the cannabis plant and its different compounds. When it comes to CBD (cannabidiol), one of the most beneficial but non-psychoactive components of the plant, the scientific research has been truly astounding. There is an array of health benefits of cannabis oil you need to know. There’s a reason that the cannabis plant and its derived CBD oil has taken the nation by storm: it works. It can work for a variety of people, for a variety of ailments. Yes, that means you too.

Ending the Opiate Pandemic

All over the world, particularly in North America, the population is struggling with chronic pain and opiate dependency as a result. Opiate use frequently leads to not only dpendency, but abuse as well, or even death. This is very unfortunate, as the sufferers of drug addiction are typically prescribed opiates for legitimate pain, ranging from acute injury to ongoing illnesses. With this increasing issue, doctors began the search for an alternative treatment for pain. Many of them have found a safe solution with CBD oil and supplements, especially when it comes to treatment for chronic pain.

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CBD has not only been found to decrease pain by reducing inflammation throughout the body, but it also works through the central nervous system on the pain receptors, thereby reducing the amount of pain it senses and registers. A study conducted by the European ournal of Pain showed positive results of a gel containing CBD that was topically applied over the course of several days to laboratory subjects after the induction of arthritis. The joints were examined prior to the arthritic state, during it, and after several days of treatment with CBD. After several days of consecutive treatment with CBD gel, the joints affected with arthritis had decreased in size, as a result of a decrease in swelling. Moreover, range of motion was also notably improved, as was the resting state (this illustrates an overall decrease in pain even when stationary). This is just one of many studies with positive proof that CBD can reduce pain associated with inflammation, whether from arthritis or auto-immune conditions, as well as alleviate other forms of chronic pain as a result of its effect on the pain receptors throughout the body.

Safe Psychological Therapy

With the rise of technology has come a rise in anxiety and depression. There are multiple theories as to why this is the case, yet no definitive answer has been found. What science has found, however, is that CBD can offer a safe, more affective and reliable treatment.

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Many medications currently prescribed for depression, anxiety, and other common psychological conditions can result in additional psychological disturbances. Anti-anxiety medications can result in severe depression. On the other hand, medications for depression can cause insomnia. Yet medications for insomnia can result in tiredness and excess sleeping, which can, in turn, lead to depression. Around and around people can go, chasing an answer. Finally, many people have found relief in CBD supplements like cannabis oil. As a non-psychoactive compound, it doesn’t cause sleepiness or spike anxiety. Instead, it works by naturally interacting with the serotonin receptors in the brain, resulting in an increase in serotonin production. Serotonin is one chemical within our brain that is largely responsible for feelings of contentment, well-being, and happiness. When it increases, anxiety and depression decrease. Additionally, CBD has been found to have antipsychotic properties, which may reduce the symptoms and behaviors in those suffering from bi-polar, schizophrenia and other similar disorders. There is still a lot of research to do in this area, as the mind is a complex thing, but the results thus far are quite promising.

Fighting Obesity

Psychological distress and opiate addiction aren’t the only battles being fought around the world, again with North America being the most prevalent. Perhaps even more widespread than the previously mentioned conditions is the American struggled with obesity. In recent years, the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 32.2% of adult American men and 35.5% of adult women were obese. Not only does this lead to immediate complications such as decreased mobility, increased pain (especially joint pain), and increased risk of injury, but being overweight or obese can also result in even more serious conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes, and even heart disease. These conditions are life-threatening. Fortunately, weight loss success can be (and has been) found by combining CBD with healthy diet and exercise.

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Using a compound from the cannabis plant to lose weight may, at first, seem pretty confusing. Most people associate cannabis with weight gain, but this is due to its other prominent compound, THC. With CBD supplements, the THC is removed, thus removing the stimulated appetite. In this form, CBD works for weight loss by naturally increasing the body’s metabolism. With a faster metabolism, the body can burn off excess stores of calories (fat) on the body and therefore decrease weight overall, as well as help build lean muscle mass.

CBD doesn’t just increase your metabolism, but it can make your workouts more affective in weight loss and strengthening by increasing the workload abilities of your muscles. When muscle fatigue and discomfort begins to set in during exercise, many people have difficulty pushing past it to achieve the results they want and need. With the use of CBD, however, this uncomfortable feeling is delayed, which increases the length of a workout. Of course, the longer a workout is the more fat that is burned, but exercise itself also boosts the metabolism even after the workout ends. In conjunction with a high quality CBD supplement and the right diet, the combination can lead to greater weight loss and a potential end to obesity.

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Chronic pain, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and obesity- these conditions drastically plague many people across the world. There’s a very real chance that’s why you’re reading this now. Perhaps you or someone you love is searching for an alternative option to what has already been tried and often failed to work. There’s continuing research on cannabis and CBD every day, but science already has real results, right now, that show CBD can help the world get healthier bodies and minds and live happier lives.