Fun Ways To Fitness Exercise With Your Dog

Fun Ways To Fitness Exercise With Your Dog

We are all aware of the benefits regular exercise has on ours and the health of our dogs, but sometimes we lack motivation. Your dog will never stood you up, or will he complain about the hills and that he has to run through puddles of rain.

The great thing about working out with your dog is that he is always ready to follow you out the door. Even if you just like taking your dog for longer walks counts as doing exercise and improves the overall health of both of you.

If you are feeling adventurous and motivated to get in shape this summer, there are many fun ways to fitness exercise with your dog.


All dogs love to run, and this can be a great and funny activity that will build stamina and work on every muscle in your body. All dogs are creatures of habit, and once yours gets into the routine of morning run he will wait by your snickers with the tail wagging.

And even if you feel unmotivated and tired, your running buddy’s attitude will help you change your mind. Design your running schedule according to yours and your dog’s stamina, and start slowly if you are out of shape.

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We advise that you use a leash when you are starting to run with your dog so you won’t end up chasing after him. Once you are completely in sync and you are sure that he will listen to your commands, let him run without a leash on.


Breeds like Golden Retriever and Irish Setter are famous for their love of being in the water. But they aren’t the only ones, and you should definitely take your dog swimming with you.

This is a full body activity and a great way to provide an excellent workout for older dogs, and ones that have joint problems. You can even spice things up by throwing a ball in the water and racing your dog to it.

Depending on the place you live you can opt for a dip in the ocean or a lake, however, there isn’t anything wrong with the pool either. It won’t be a bad idea to get a life preserver for a dog if you are going to swim in the ocean.

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Is your dog overly excited during walks that at times it seems like he is going to pull your hand out? If this is the case, try testing how long he is going to last while you pedal.

Cycling is a great activity that will tone your legs to perfection and will be a challenge for high energy dogs. You can even set the bars higher and try to race your dog for a bit and see how he reacts being left chasing after you for a change.

To make this cardio workout safe opt for keeping your dog on a leash, and start slowly to give him time to get familiar with the bike. Once your dog gets the hang of things you can let him set the pace and enjoy feeling the wind in your face.


If you are a big fan of water activities, like kayaking, there is no reason why your pooch can’t enjoy it with you. Still, you will have to be patient and give your pup time to adjust to moving ground under his feet.

Smaller dogs can lay perched on the front of the kayak, and larger ones can lay close by your feet. You can also place a rag or a mat at the bottom of the kayak thus providing more traction and better balance.

We recommend that you stick to coves, lakes, or slow-moving rivers without a lot of traffic. This way you can let your dog swim if he wants to and help him burn a little of his extra energy.

If this is your first-time kayaking with your dog you will have to teach him how to get in and out of kayak from land. Later you can practice in shallow waters closer to the shore.


Hiking is a great choice for all people who want to build stamina, have a fun time outdoors, and spice up regular walks. The variety of different terrains and so many new and interesting smells will make your dog jump for joy.

Hitting a trail isn’t a small thing and you will have to be well prepared. That includes sandwiches for you and nutritious grain-free dog food that will fuel your dog and replenish his energy.

Bringing water for you and your pup is a must, and if a dog doesn’t know how to drink from your hand, pack a light weighted water bowl. It may seem like a regular walk, but hiking is so much more and it will get both you and your pooch in the best shape of your lives.


If you have a high energy dog, rollerblading is a great way to help him burn all the extra energy he has. Be aware, that in this case, you have to be very good on skates in order to prevent being pulled and injured in the process.

As long as you don’t have problems keeping your balance, you can let your dog pull you a little bit until he calms his pace down. After that, you can set the tempo that works for both of you and watch as your legs do all the hard work.

It is best to take a dog rollerblading in an area that is free of traffic, like a park or a boardwalk and keep him leashed. You shouldn’t forget knee, elbow guards, and a helmet for the first time, no matter how confident you are about your inline skating skills.

Cross-country skiing

Being cold and snowy outside doesn’t mean that there isn’t any fun way both your and your dog can get exercise. Furthermore, breeds like Huskies love snow and won’t miss a chance to be in it for anything in the world.

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Skiing is a great way to get a full body workout and breathe clean and crisp air. In the meantime, your pooch can jog or run beside you or simply enjoy in winter wonders.

Most dogs love rolling and jumping through the snow and these are great ways to keep a dog fit and in perfect shape. And the best thing of all is when you get back home you can curl up with your pup and a cup of your favorite tea.


Even though walking your dog is considered to be a workout, there are more fun ways to fitness exercise with your dog. This doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with walking but it’s always a good thing to challenge yourself and your dog.

Running, cycling, kayaking, and swimming are just a few of many fun activities you can do with your dog. And the good thing about having a pooch as a workout buddy is that he will never let you down and keep you from obtaining your fitness goals.