Talcum Powder: Uses for Health and Fitness

Talcum Powder: Uses for Health and Fitness

Talcum powder has many uses. Though talcum powder is most commonly thought of as a necessary tool for a nursery, it is used less for infants to prevent diaper rash and more commonly for adults to absorb moisture when needed. For this reason, talcum powder can be very useful at the gym, or any workout scenario. Whether you need to maintain your grip to prevent slipping or want to absorb sweat in your sneakers after a workout, talcum powder can be a useful solution. This article discusses the uses of talcum powder in the gym and some considerations before adding it to your gym bag.

Uses of talcum powder for the gym

The gym is a great place to use talcum powder, and not just to deodorize your smelly gym bag. This section explains a few common uses of talcum powder for the gym.


When lifting weights, it’s important to have a good grip on the bar. This is especially important when doing deadlifts. The smallest slip caused by moisture on your hands can result in a serious injury. As weightlifters exert energy when they lift, sweating is inevitable, so they have to find a way to keep the moisture from causing potential problems. To help prevent slipping, talcum powder is used on the hands, in place of chalk, to absorb moisture and ensure that the weightlifter has a good grip on the bar.


A good grip is just as important in gymnastics as it is in weightlifting. Whether a gymnast is doing a floor routine, using the uneven parallel bars, or practicing on the balance beam, it’s important to absorb moisture on a gymnast’s hands and feet to prevent slipping. Just as with weightlifting, a slip can result in serious injury for a gymnast, so gymnasts can use talcum powder in place of chalk before beginning their routines.


Usually, people who practice yoga can get the grip needed for poses on their yoga mats. Yoga mats are typically designed with a texture that almost feels sticky. This keeps the practitioner from sliding when moving from pose to pose or holding a pose. This is especially important during hot yoga, which is designed to make the yoga practitioner sweat more. However, even with a yoga mat, people may sweat so much they worry about slipping or moving unintentionally. Talcum powder can absorb the moisture and ensure a safe, productive yoga practice.

Odor Elimination

When you work out, you sweat. When you sweat, you smell. This smell sticks to your clothes and sneakers, which can make your car or house smell like a gym locker room. Talcum powder not only absorbs moisture, but it can be useful to absorb smells, as well. Sprinkling talcum powder in your gym bag or in your sneakers after you take them off can keep your gym bag from smelling quite as bad before you bring it home.

Considerations before using talcum powder

Though talcum powder is very useful at the gym, it may not be the best product for you. In fact, it may even be dangerous for some people to use. Before adding talcum powder to your equipment bag, there are a few things to take into consideration. This section explains a few things to think about before adding talcum powder to your gym bag. If these considerations apply to you, it may be necessary to find an alternative to talcum powder at the gym.


When you use talcum powder on your hands, it’s likely to get into the air. However, you should not inhale talcum powder. The powder, especially when inhaled multiple times over a period of time, can lead to respiratory problems due to lung irritation. This can even lead to long-term negative effects. Because talcum powder particles are so fine, it can be hard to keep from inhaling it, especially if you have to use it a lot. If you will be using a lot of powder, it might be better to find an alternative.

Allergies to talcum powder

Some people may be allergic to talcum powder. Unfortunately, you may not know you’re allergic until you actually use the talcum powder. If you use talcum powder and develop allergic symptoms, including a rash or hives, shortness of breath, wheezing, or difficulty breathing, it is important to seek medical care and discontinue the use of talcum powder. If you have a severe reaction, seek immediate medical attention to prevent a potentially fatal reaction.

Link to ovarian cancer

Studies have shown a link between talcum powder, especially the type developed by Johnson & Johnson, and ovarian cancer. Women who used talcum powder developed ovarian cancer. This resulted in a talcum powder lawsuit as the company marketed the product specifically for safe, healthy use. However, it should be noted that this would require the talcum powder particles to travel to the ovaries from outside of the body.

Alternatives to talcum powder

Even though talcum powder is very useful in the gym, you might decide it’s not the best product for you. Fortunately, this is not very difficult to overcome. If you have to find an alternative to talcum powder or think it might not be the best product for you, there are multiple options to choose from. This section gives you a few examples of talcum powder alternatives you can use at the gym.


Cornstarch has the same consistency as talcum powder, is just as absorbent, and is natural alternative which bodes well with many of its users. Cornstarch can be used in any place talcum powder would be used in the gym, including to keep sneakers from smelling after working out. Cornstarch can typically be found anywhere groceries are sold.

Baking soda

Baking soda is another safe alternative to talcum powder. It has the same consistency as talcum powder and is great at absorbing moisture (and odors). Some people even use baking soda as deodorant because of how well it works; specifically, Arm & Hammer have a baking soda deodorant in their product line. Baking soda is also available anywhere groceries are sold.

Brand name alternatives

Because of concerns about talcum powder, some brand name companies have developed alternatives that have the same uses. They use names such as “dusting powder”, “baby powder”, or “deodorant powder”. They are typically available in grocery stores or other places that talcum powder would be sold.


There are special chalks used in the gym for weightlifting, gymnastics, and other athletic endeavors. These chalks are designed specifically for these uses, so they are sure to be effective. If you need something to absorb moisture and ensure safety when at the gym, using these powdered chalks may be a good alternative to talcum powder. These chalks can usually be found anywhere gym gear and equipment is sold, such as a sports store or at your local fitness center.

Whether you decide to use talcum powder or an alternative solution, be sure that you have a good grip on your equipment when at the gym. Using an absorbent powder will help ensure that your workout or gymnastics routine is safe so you can achieve your fitness goals injury and smell free!