9 months are over and you have given birth to a bouncing baby. This marks the beginning of the postnatal period which without a doubt is very critical not only for you as a mother but also for the baby. For the mother, this is the time to recuperate and get your body back to normal and it’s not easy especially considering the numerous, remarkable changes your body went through as well as the experience of giving birth.
The postnatal period marks a time when different efforts should be put in place to help the mother recover quickly, safely and effectively. The postnatal period is however not only important for recovery but also a good time for bonding between the mother and the baby.
The welfare of the mother is however very important and postnatal massage could play a very important role in accelerating recovery and making life more relaxed. Postnatal massage like regular massage does help deal with stress, pain and aches thus helping the mother to focus more clearly and provide the needed attention to the baby.
Understanding postnatal massage
As the name suggests, postnatal massage is bodywork or full body massage specifically designed for new mothers. The aim of this bodywork is to help the mother to recover after delivery and deal with different changes that occur in the body.
Right from the first few weeks, every pregnant woman experiences major changes in the body, emotions and psychologically. Things are not made easier also during the delivery and within the next weeks that follow, the new mother has to go through a healing process to deal with internal scars in the uterus and other parts as well.
This process is gradual and will cause the mother to experience some cramps which could range from mild to severe. The new mother also experiences stress, body pains, aches and anxiety and these are common as a result of the new responsibilities of taking care of the newborn and adjusting to her new life.
Everything changes big time but with postnatal massage, the new mother can see the troubles alleviated and the process of healing hastened. Postnatal massage targets the entire body and it should be administered by a certified massage practitioner if the right results are to be achieved. Done properly, postnatal massage will help reduce stress, make you relaxed while at the same time improving your breastfeeding experience among other things.
Main Benefits of Postnatal Massage for the Mother
As we discuss the main benefits of postnatal massage, it is important to point out that this practice has been with us for many years. It’s an effective, traditional practice that is aimed to effectively and safely enhance recovery and also improve the health of new moms. Below are some benefits of postnatal massage: –
Helps the mother relax
During the massage, the body releases a substance known as endorphins. These are naturalfeel-good hormones and painkillers which help in lowering of stress hormones. Endorphins also help in fighting against stress and depression, something that is very common with many new mothers. Many new moms experience temporary depression after giving birth with a small percentage having to deal with serious cases of depression.
Postnatal massage helps the body and mind to relax and this is done by targeting parts such as shoulder, back, lower legs, arms, feet,and the head. The soothing effects of the massage will definitely leave you relaxed.
Enhances the healing of internal wounds
Bringing a new life into the world isn’t a joke. The process puts extensive pressure on the woman’s body and post birth massage helps greatly in dealing with these effects. The massage will help the body recover from muscle tensions and sore spots on moms who go through natural birth and those who undergo C-section.
The massage should be done by a certified masseuse who knows the kind of pressure to be applied on different areas to avoid any complications. Postnatal massage also improves the circulation of lymph while at the same time enhancing the process of eliminating excessive fluids and body waste.
Encourages restful sleep
Fatigue can really affect the new mothers’sleep. Every new mother needs to enjoy deep, restful sleep whenever they are not taking care of the baby or other chores around them. Pronounced fatigue costs new moms of their much-needed sleep but with the massage, this fatigue will be stripped away, the body and mind rested thus helping them to sleep better.
It improves breastfeeding
During the massage, the body releases oxytocin which in return helps in the regulation of the levels of lactation hormone known as prolactin. An experienced therapist will massage the chest muscles gently and this helps unblock any closed up ducts, loosen any harden areas and clumps as well. It also helps increase milk production and circulation while relieving breasts of any pain or soreness.
Benefits of Postnatal Massage for the Baby
As it increases milk production, it makes the baby well-fed and a well-fed baby usually feels happy and healthy. It is very important for a new mother to see her baby is feeling good. It increases her confidence and makes her mentally relaxed.
On the other hand, if the mother massages the body of her baby, the baby will feel safe and they actually love to be touched! Massaging helps the baby to improve blood circulation, to prevent the gas formation, and it boosts the immune system.
Massaging a baby also helps to improve sleeping pattern and help to sleep peacefully. It can reduce crying and fussiness. Regular massaging can help to strengthen their muscles and improves the ability to fight off germs.
After all, the affectionate touches help to develop the bond of mother and the child. So, it is a great way to develop this mother-child bond.
If the mother had gone through a C section to give birth, it is highly recommended to consult with the doctor before taking any postnatal massage for her.
Postnatal massage should, however, be combined with other aspects of therapy including diet.