Top 10 Tips to Gain Lean Muscle

Top 10 Tips to Gain Lean Muscle

Listed in this article are ten tips that will not only help you lose weight but also gaining muscle as well, by taking supplements, like lovemelanotan. In this day and age, where everything is easily accessible to us through apps, we as individuals have become extremely lazy. Everybody has that fleeting thought about joining the gym, getting leaner and fitter. This belief is stronger when the New Year rolls around, but then your daily routine rears its ugly head and you are back to being a couch potato.

Let’s face it, being healthy and fit is a concept that many of us are really struggling with. But, if you have finally made up your mind and are committed to losing weight and gaining a lean muscular frame, then look no further, this article is for you.

Nobody wants to be referred to as skinny anymore, they want to be called lean or fit or even muscular. By having lean muscles you not only look good but also feel good. With a hectic lifestyle, staying committed to a healthy routine is not easy. But, if you put your mind to it, you can achieve the strong body that you long for.

Below are the top ten tips one can make use of, to gain lean muscle:

  1. Setting Long term and short term goals:

Always start your workout routines by setting a long-term goal and a bunch of short-term goals. This gives your exercise a purpose. By setting a long-term goal, you can track the progress of your muscle gain and fat loss. Long-term goals can include, looking good for a vacation or a friend’s wedding or anything that will showcase the drastic change your body will make for the better.

Your short-term goals should be weekly or monthly goals, through these goals you can track the way your muscles begin to adapt to weight training. The calorie intake and the way your body is responding to the changes you have made in your regime. By staying accountable to your diet and exercise you are tracking the changes your body is going through.

  1. Increase Cardio:

While love me lano tan may help with burning fat by reducing your appetite, but that does not mean that you ignore working out. The supplement shows best results once you pair it with a decent amount of exercise as well. Yes, you may have read in many blogs and magazines that building muscle is the best way to lose fat and to some extent it is true. However, to let your muscles shine you can effectively burn fat by increasing cardio workouts. This will result in your body burning the fat for fuel. To burn off the fat it is very important to have a calorie deficit diet. By reducing the calorie intake the body naturally will turn to burning fat.

  1. Eating acceptable protein:

Many bodybuilders suggest that by having 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of body-weight is effective enough to achieve lean muscles. If you are vegetarian, go for proteins like cheese, tofu, soy-based products, milk, and eggs. If you are a non-vegetarian, limit your red meat intake as that may have an adverse effect on your heart. Try to have lean proteins; they really help with building of muscles, especially minor muscle injuries that can happen because of rigorous workout sessions.

  1. Eat when hungry, stop when full:

This may seem like very basic advice, but that does not mean that it is any less important. The problem is that this suggestion is repeated so many times that people tend to ignore it and don’t follow it. We are mostly not in tune with our bodies and don’t listen to it. We eat when it’s time to eat or when we are out with friends or family. This is unhealthy and you are likely to fall victim to intense cravings in the middle of the day. By taking supplements like lovemelanotan your appetite is subdued and you don’t feel hunger pangs as intensely as you did before. Aside from taking supplements, you can also carry a bunch of healthy snacks around with you and this will help with the munchies. Never wait until you are so hungry that you will overeat, this will not help you if you want to go the calorie deficit direction.

  1. Have a Post workout meal:

Once you are done with your workout, eat! When you are working out, you break down muscle tissue and this depletes the muscle glycogen. As a result, this needs to be replenished quickly in order for the muscles to recover rapidly and be healthy. A good post-workout meal can be a smoothie which should include bananas, whey protein powder, skim milk and honey. All these ingredients are rich in protein and carbohydrates. This helps with gaining lean muscles.

  1. Rest and recover:

If you work out too hard and for too many days in a row, the muscles begin to feel the immense strain and this may cause injury and muscle spasms that are quite painful, or, worst case scenario they will be damaged beyond repair. To recover from a proper weight training exercise, you need to rest for at least 72 hours before you hit the gym again.

  1. Drinking water:

Okay, so you may have seen this one coming, but no matter how cliché it may sound it is very true and a commandment every fitness freak swears by. Water is the magic potion that will give you a turbo boost when it comes to gaining that lean muscular body and also burn body fat. Drinking water is beneficial as it will save you from dehydration and increase your energy levels.

  1. Supplements:

Supplements like lovemelanotan are helpful when it comes to gaining lean muscles. They not only suppress hunger but also burn fat and increase lean muscle tissue.

  1. De-stress:

If you find yourself breathing shallow heavy breaths, having rapid heart palpitations and sweating profusely at work, then you have high-stress levels and this can hinder your plan to have a lean muscular body. By being stressed out you are draining yourself and causing fatigue which does not help with your workouts. So if you ever feel overwhelmed by life, just close your eyes and breath, give yourself a day off from your daily routine and just distress.

  1. Lift heavier weight and increase your rep speed:

Do not be afraid of lifting heavier weights, if you can lift weights easily and perform 8-10 reps comfortably then it is time to increase the intensity. By increasing the intensity your body will produce testosterone which helps with lean muscle building. Another helpful workout tip is to increase the speed of your workout reps to a gap of 2 seconds between each rep and still keep your form.


In the end, to gain a lean muscular body one must have a balance of a good diet, proper workouts, and appropriate supplements. Lovemelanotan is a good supplement choice if you want to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, coupled with the right diet and a consistent workout regime you will see results quickly. There are other factors that can affect weight loss and muscle gain, but the tips listed above are well known and proven to work by fitness coaches all over the world.