Getting pregnant is a woman’s dream. However, getting into shape before and after pregnancy may be a burden most women suffer. While some go back to their pre-pregnancy bodies, others become bigger or heavier.
But, with exercise, you can help your body be ready before becoming pregnant or return to your fit body after giving birth. Moreover, exercise before and after pregnancy can help in other ways. During pregnancy, women experience fatigue, backaches, and uneasiness. To help ease discomfort, it’s recommended to maintain daily exercises to have correct posture, relieve stress, and keep you and your baby healthy.
In addition, doing so may prevent the development of diabetes which, during the pregnancy stage, is called Gestational Diabetes.
Keep in mind that while performing these exercises, your goal is to become prepared for physical changes when pregnant. If exercising after pregnancy, remember that you don’t have to perform the same intensity as before. Do it in moderation and in a way that’s comfortable for you. Or join postpartum exercise classes as they provide exercises just for you. You can refer to the explanation by 28 at Home as an example of postpartum exercise classes.
Exercising Tips Before Pregnancy
The normal BMI range for pregnant women is within 18.5 to 24.99. It’s crucial to maintain this range to avoid being overweight and minimize the chances of the embryo not implanting.
It’s preferable for a woman to start the fitness routine while she still can and not wait until pregnant. Being physically active, even for 30 minutes every day will give a higher chance of conceiving.
Being physically active doesn’t equate to going to the gym for two hours every day. Even small movements will count jogging, brisk walking, gardening, and other light exercises.
Always remember to not overdo your workouts because this may affect how your reproductive system works. That’s why you can use these exercising tips before pregnancy:
1. Aim To Get Pregnant
In attaining to conceive, there are certain levels or duration of exercise that you should perform.
If you’re trying to have a baby, it’s essential to perform light exercises such as aerobic exercises, yoga for flexibility, and focus training. Or you can also be doing household chores for 30 minutes in most days of the week.

2. Choose Suitable Exercises
The following are few exercises that are safe to perform to help you conceive:
- Running And Walking: These two exercises are the easiest ones to perform because they don’t require any equipment: just a good pair of shoes. It’s totally fine to get back on your groove, as long as you have approval from your doctor. Besides, walking is a recommended exercise to perform to help you have a safer and much easier delivery.
- Strength Training: Doing body exercises such as lunges, squats, crunches, and push-ups will help you prepare for the physical changes that will happen when you become pregnant. It’ll minimize the possibility of having injuries when pregnant because your body has been familiar with such exercises. A recommended routine would be 12 to 15 reps.
- Being used to high-intensity interval training, then shifting to a moderate one might be hard to adjust. But, as long as you receive approval from your doctor, then it’s completely fine to perform such exercises. Just avoid too many movements and have some breaks in between.
- Yoga, Barre, and Pilates: These are the ideal exercises to perform if you’re trying to have a baby. Not only does this not require weightlifting, but these exercises will also increase your strength and build muscle. Also, it’ll improve your balance and endurance. Specifically, yoga is an exercise to consider when you’re trying to conceive. However, seek first the guidance of a yoga instructor to make sure that you’re observing proper form to avoid injuries.
- Swimming: This is a good cardiovascular exercise that helps build muscle. This is beneficial as you’ll feel weightless while underwater. Moreover, it’ll prevent you from experiencing pregnancy symptoms such as swelling and nausea when pregnant.
- Indoor Cycling: This is a low-impact exercise that can be done before and during pregnancy. Always stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and have short breaks in between sets.
3. Don’t Overdo It
Always think of your health, especially that you want to get pregnant. Don’t overdo your exercises because this may cause you pain. Or you might also suffer injuries that may not help you conceive.
Always make sure to have a regular checkup with your doctor to see the state of your menstrual cycle. It would be easier to conceive if you constantly keep track of your period. Exercising will help you stabilize your menstrual cycle so it’ll be easier to get pregnant.
Post-Pregnancy Exercising Tips
Carrying a baby for nine months is not easy. Also, it’s hard to get back on track. But, it’s not advisable to do workouts right after you gave birth.
As a rule, you give yourself a rest and head back to the gym after six weeks. But, before doing so, always consult your doctor and see what exercise will suit you best.
Don’t overthink about those celebrities who look exactly the same even after giving birth. Just go at your own pace, be consistent, and you’ll surely see some improvements in your body. The following are some post-pregnancy exercising tips that are safe to perform, once you’re ready to move your body:
1. Start Walking
As mentioned, walking is the easiest form of exercise you can do. It’s also a good start to walk and have some fresh air. To make it more fun, have your baby with you in the stroller and enjoy this moment with your little one.
The idea of using a stroller as the equipment is a form of exercise you can do while having your baby in it. For a more challenging activity, add the exercise you just did in your trimester of pregnancy and then perform it backward.
2. Wait A Little Longer
Women have different body shapes as well as postnatal recovery stages. You may need to wait a little longer than usual if you just had a C-section because you’ll not be allowed to carry anything that’s heavier than your baby’s weight. In most cases, women who had C-sections will experience much adjustment until eight weeks postpartum.
With that, you may have to wait after 10 weeks before trying out post-pregnancy exercises. As for normal deliveries, the healing process will vary between women. With that, before performing any exercises, it’s always important to seek medical guidance beforehand.
3. Get Enough Exercise
Try to do regular exercises, at least, 20 or 30 minutes in a day. Postpartum exercises will aid you in strengthening your muscle groups, this includes back muscles and abs. Always do these in moderation though.
Start from performing low-impact exercises like aerobic activities for 150 minutes and divide this into sets to have breaks in between. Then, gradually increase the intensity over time.
4. Take It Slow
Breastfeeding is essential for newborn babies, so you may have to slow down about losing your weight and focus more on your little one. Some may lose weight after several days as the stored fluid in your body will be removed after giving birth. Don’t be in a rush to get back into shape. You can do it gradually.
5. Repair Diastasis
When easing back to an abdominal postpartum workout, be mindful not to overdo it. Don’t worry, it’s completely common for women to experience such separation of the abdominal muscles or the rectus abdominis, medically known as diastasis.
Observe regular checkups with your care provider and work with a physical therapist, if you wish, to bring the muscles back together.
6. Exercise With An Instructor
Instead of doing it alone and risking getting injured, you can always join postpartum exercise lessons. These exercises are tailored so that you can properly execute exercises fit for your postnatal body.
Instructors can ensure that the workouts are safe for your situation. They’ll guide you until your body can get used to the exercises. If you feel uncomfortable, let them know so that they can assist you better.
Succinctly, having a healthy lifestyle is a must for women of all ages. But, in trying to have a baby or expecting to have one, it’s important to note the dos and don’ts of exercising to ensure that you and your baby are healthy.
Keep in mind that you vary from other women. They may have their figure back after giving birth, while you may be struggling. Don’t worry because, in this journey, you’re not alone even if you have to do things at your own pace.
You can bring back your figure by exercising right, but it may take time. It has been mentioned that lightweight and low-impact workouts are recommended before and after pregnancy. However, you should always consult your doctor before proceeding with your workout plans. That way, you can ensure that you’re safe to perform physical activities before or after giving birth.