7 Urgent Steps After A Prediabetes Diagnosis

Urgent Steps After A Prediabetes Diagnosis

One of the scariest medical wake-ups calls you can get is probably a type-2 prediabetes diagnosis. Though the announcement you have prediabetes can be daunting, there is still some time to turn your health around, as prediabetes is not yet diabetes.

Look at the positive side: you still have the opportunity to make the necessary changes to slow down the progression and possibly restrain this disease from taking over your life. You can radically improve your lifestyle and lower your risk by simply adding these 7 steps to your daily routine:

Do More Physical Activities

The best way to prevent diabetes from happening is by becoming more active every day. If it’s been a while since you exercised, you can start building up your resistance by walking longer distances.

You can also replace riding the elevator or escalator by climbing up and down the stairs. Instead of playing video games, go outside and play sports. If you can’t leave your house, you can always start cleaning. It’s a great daily exercise too!

Basically, try to live a life where technology hasn’t given us physical convenience yet. Physical activity is such an important part of treating prediabetes because it helps burn fat and lower your blood sugar levels. Ideally, exercising or doing any physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, every day can already help.

Lose Weight

Weight loss is one of the most difficult tasks you need to tick on your checklist. As it requires a lot of determination and hard work, it’s so easy to get tired of it and abandon the mission. However, just because you carry extra weight doesn’t mean you have to lose a lot.

Medical studies state that losing at least 5% of your body weight can reduce the risk of you getting diabetes by 58%. So if you’re tipping the scale, you might not need to lose a lot of weight to make a difference to your health after all. If your weight 200lbs, you can just lose at least 10 to 14 lbs.

Ask for Support

Doing the above tasks – eating healthy, losing weight, avoiding anxiety, exercising regularly, is a lot easier when you have a friend or a person helping you, cheering you on, and holding you accountable the entire way. According to Dr. Ronald T. Ackermann, an associate professor at Indiana University School of Medicine, having a support system will help you get through tough struggles.

Choose A Healthy and Natural Diet

You should be keeping organic fresh fruits and vegetables in your fridge – and as little processed food as possible. If possible, cut back on carbohydrates and simple sugars as soon as possible. If you can completely give it up, go ahead and do so! Carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pasta can spike your blood sugar uncontrollably.

Eat more vegetables that have less starch. Choose low-carb vegetables that are rich in phytochemicals and other minerals. Broccoli, kale, spinach, green beans, and cauliflower are just a few of the vegetables you should eat. Avoid tropical sweet fruits like bananas, kiwis, and pineapples. Choose watery fruits like papaya, watermelon, and orange.

Adding spices can also give you the antioxidants your body needs. Some healthy spices that can help you recover include ginger, garlic, cinnamon, and turmeric. Indeed recent studies have proven that curcumin supplementation can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This makes it a great addition to the daily diet of diabetic and prediabetic patients. Since it also aids digestion, it can support weight loss.

See Your Doctor As Much As Possible

After your diagnosis, try to see your doctor at least every 3 to 6 months. Tracking your progress is good, but tracking your progress with a healthcare practitioner is better. Getting a professional involved makes the goals more tangible. You can receive positive reinforcements when you’re doing well. And if things aren’t going the way they should, your doctor can assist you in getting back on track.

Sleep More

Gaining weight is also an effect of sleep loss and anxiety. Not getting a proper night’s rest can affect how your body’s insulin utilizes your body’s glucose. When this happens, you are more likely to get Type 2 Diabetes.  Make a good habit of sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours per night. Go to bed and wake up at the same time to help regulate your circadian rhythm. Avoid drinking coffee or tea at night so that you won’t have any trouble sleeping.


You can’t successfully change your lifestyle if you only choose to do these steps for a few weeks. Having the right mindset can help you accomplish the goal at hand. Accept that certain things will never go perfectly and that’s okay. Regardless, pledge to yourself and to your family that you will do the best you can to improve your medical situation. Make a conscious effort to take smarter steps in life and commit to it until you reach your goal.

Katrina Rice is a mom and a freelance writer. She strongly believes in the concept of holistic wellness through healthy and natural living, traveling, and immersing oneself self in new activities. A self-proclaimed health enthusiast, she hopes to inspire more people to do the same.

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