7 Natural Remedies To Deal With Your Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

7 Natural Remedies To Deal With Your Erectile Dysfunction

You have erectile dysfunction and know that you can take a Viagra when needed and it will work. Yet, you really don’t want to.

You are very careful about what you put into your body and Viagra goes against all of your ideals. What to do then? Are there any natural ways to remedy your ED?

ED has been around as long as there have been humans on the planet. It stands to reason that the ancients sought remedies to cure their erectile dysfunction with what they had available. In other words, naturally.

These natural remedies are being rediscovered along with some modern treatments that avoid using harsh, synthetic drugs.

Take a look at the 7 natural remedies we have put together to help you get your sex life back on track.

#1. Penis pumps

Though not a cure, a penis pump can help you maintain regular sexual intercourse when you have occasional erectile dysfunction.

The pump is a vacuum tube that you place your penis into and pump out all of the air. As the air is removed, it continues to suck and then starts drawing blood into the penis.

Since an erection is simply your penis becoming engorged with blood, you should experience an erection. You can then place a ring at the base of the penis to keep the blood from flowing back into your body.

This could help you with the ability to have sex even when you thought it wasn’t going to be able to perform.

There are many types of these pumps, but the latest variation is one that uses hydro power to pump. You can see how to use a Bathmate pump by clicking that link to see if you think it is a good option for you.

#2. Herbal remedies

People have been using herbal remedies for millenia. The  Chinese still use the healing power of herbs as do other traditional cultures. The reason is that many of them work better than Western drugs without many of the side effects.

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This applies equally well to ED. There are a number of herbal remedies for your erectile problems that come from nature.

  • L-arginine – Since ED is mainly a blood flow problem, this herb is a great way to start treatment. It helps open up the blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis. It should not be used with Viagra.
  • Panax ginseng – This herb also helps with blood flow but works deeper at a cellular level. There has been much more research behind this red ginseng to show that it is not a placebo or a fluke. 
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) – Studies have shown that men with ED commonly have a shortage of this hormone that affects testosterone. Scientists believe that a boost in DHEA can help boost testosterone and improve blood flow to the penis. It is derived from yams.

#3. Get to the gym

Making some lifestyle changes can do a lot more than you realize towards getting regular erections again.

Start with exercise. By working out you are increasing your blood flow in a big way. Your endorphins are increased and that brings an increase in testosterone. When you have all of these things happening then there is a good chance that you will see some improvement in your erections.

As you get older, it becomes more important than ever to stay active. All of our systems are interconnected, so it is no wonder that if you slow down, so will your erections. 

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#4. Improve your diet

Eating better can also help tremendously. Many times the ED is a symptom of a health problem like diabetes that can be caused by a bad diet.

You’ll lose weight, gain energy and may see an increase in your frequency and duration of your erections afterward. 

Reduce your intake of processed foods that are high in sugar, salt and preservatives. Though there are no magic bullet foods that will give you an erection just by eating, there are foods that can create conditions favorable to getting your ED under control. Foods like leafy greens such as kale, cabbage and spinach are great for heart health which should improve your circulation.

Add other foods like oysters for their zinc which helps increase testosterone. They have a reputation as being an aphrodisiac, but it is likely just a placebo because of the myth being so prevalent.

#5. Stop smoking

If you smoke, then you should quit. Full stop. It restricts your blood vessels and lowers blood flow so this  directly impacts your erections. 

I don’t think we need to go into more detail than that other than to say that losing your erections hopefully is the final straw that has you quitting.

#6. Lose the stress

The funny thing about stress is that it can be an endless loop, especially when it comes to ED. 

Your stress is affecting your health and could be responsible for your ED. And your ED is causing you more stress which affects your health and makes it even less likely you will get regular erections back.

Stress affects your nervous system, your heart health and your immune system. It literally makes you sick. If you are stressed from work or relationships then you need to find a way to get control of it.

Start with trying to eliminate the stress from your life. I know it is easier said than done, especially if the problem is your finances. If there is a way to separate yourself from the problem, be it a new job or cutting toxic people out of your life, then you should do that first.

If that isn’t a possibility then look into things like meditation and yoga. Clearing your brain can help immensely in reducing stress from your life.

Do a sauna if you have one in the gym as the heat and relaxation is really great at reducing stress. Long walks are great at giving you the space to work through your stress. You almost always feel better after a walk. 

Lastly, therapy is a good way to get help with finding solutions to your problems. With the right mental tools in place you can reduce your stress or at least understand how to avoid letting it govern your life and health.

#7. Drink less alcohol

Alcohol can have a terrible effect on your libido not to mention your ability to keep an erection. If you find yourself drinking too much and that is when you usually have problems it is a sure sign that your drinking has gotten the better of you.

Take a step back and try to stop drinking and see if things improve. You’ll see other improvements in your life as a result anyway. When these improvements can take hold then your ED may end up a thing of the past in short order.

Even if alcohol is not causing you other problems, just having a few drinks may be affecting you without you realizing it. Alcohol restricts your blood flow and as you probably have learned by now, this means less blood flow to the penis which is how you get an erection


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