6 Dangers Of Mislabeled Supplements

Dangers Of Mislabeled Supplements
6 Dangers Of Mislabeled Supplements

Labels are essential in products such as supplements. Through these, people would know the contents, nutritional values, and precautions of such goods. In many cases, they contain precise details, especially when bought in pharmacies, although you could also purchase some over the counter.

However, such labels can be erroneous and misleading at times.  Some may oversell themselves by offering more than what they could actually provide, while some may have completely different ingredients than what they’re claiming. That said, here’s an article that aims to shed light on such issues. Read on to learn more!

What Is Mislabeling 

Mislabeling could be classified as intentional or accidental. In many cases, this is the root of bigger problems, such as adverse effects and wrong purchases. If the mislabeling is proven to be intentional, it could be a serious offense punishable by law. If it isn’t, a punishment may still be imposed, depending on the degree of damage. 

If you’re not yet familiar with mislabeled supplements, the following are the typical signs: 

  • wrong manufacturing and expiration dates 
  • wrong supplement name 
  • incomplete precautions and allergen info 
  • false or misleading label 
  • no approval from the concerned government agency 
  • it doesn’t meet standards of quality, identity, and compositional specifications 
  • it doesn’t specify the part of the herb or plant used as an ingredient 
  • making too many claims 

What Dangers Mislabeling May Result In 

1. Legal Repercussions 

Supplements with incorrectly declared info in the labels should be recalled at the soonest possible time. Otherwise, if the mislabels and omissions are proven, legal repercussions may happen. This is because such could be damaging to people’s health. Whether the adverse effects are minor or severe, you need to have a medical record as supporting evidence should you decide to seek claims or file a case. 

When this happens, it may be best to seek the services of a consumer protection and personal injury lawyer from a reliable firm, such as Kenneth Sigelman & Associates.

In choosing a lawyer who could help you, you must do some research on the cases they previously handled. Their success in the court is a factor that must be considered. You may ask their previous clients or read some rulings for their claims.

2. Overdosing/Underdosing 

A lot of supplements are taken to complement medication for certain illnesses. Yet, wrong info could result in overdosage or under dosage.

Overdosage may lead to sleepiness, slow or difficult breathing, and unconsciousness. Such issues may even turn into more complex problems, such as paralysis and cardiac failure. 

In contrast, under dosage may cause withdrawal symptoms, including: 

  • Seizure

In this symptom, the patient may lose consciousness and have stiffened muscles. While it may have many types, all of them are characterized by an uncontrolled fit. 

  • Dehydration 

The lack of fluids prompts this situation. As a result, it disturbs the balance of salt, sugar, minerals in a person’s body. When neglected, it could be fatal. 

  • Anxiety 

The sudden stoppage of supplements that have been regularly taken may trigger mental and emotional effects, such as anxiety. 

  • Chronic Pain 

The pain could be ongoing and may only last after the body gets used to the new regular level of the substance in a body. 

  • Abdominal Cramps 

These refer to the tightening and sharp pain in the tummy area. The ache may proceed until the body has fully withdrawn. 

  • Insomnia 

Like anxiety, insomnia may be cured after the body is regulated. Yet, others may experience it longer. 

If you feel unwell after taking a supplement, you may need to consult your doctor immediately. If you’ve been taking the supplement for a long time, there may be issues with the label or in other aspects of the supplement. 

3. Poisoning 

Supplement toxicity may happen because of overdosage. This applies not just to vitamin-based supplements, but also to the claimed herb-based products. Apart from the symptoms mentioned above, you may feel any of the following: 

  • nausea 
  • pressure in the skull 
  • bone pain 
  • vison changes 
  • comatose 

In some cases, the poisoning may not show immediate signs. It may only be known after it has damaged the organs, such as the liver and kidney. If you think you’re a victim of supplement poisoning, you must consult your doctor. You may run some tests to check your condition and see the levels of some substances in your body. 

4. Serotonin Syndrome 

Taking wrong supplements due to mislabeling could be categorized as a medication error. In some cases, taking certain supplements may result in a dangerous drug interaction if the person taking it already consumes another drug. When this happens and is left untreated, the person may be put in a life-threatening situation.  

The following are some of the signs that a person’s serotonin level is higher than the normal range: 

  • heightened body temperature 
  • rapid heartbeat 
  • shaking 
  • confusion 
  • diarrhea 
  • muscle rigidity 

5. Allergic Reactions

Some dietary supplements trigger allergic reactions. Among these, willow bark is one of the most common. Generally taken as a pain reliever, willow bark is often included in some weight loss supplements. However, this particular ingredient has known effects on persons with existing allergies to salicylates, such as aspirin.  

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to willow bark extract include the following: 

  • itchy skin 
  • red eyes 
  • shortness of breath 
  • hives 
  • runny nose 
  • anaphylaxis, a condition wherein the person experiences low blood pressure, rapid pulse rate, swollen throat, and airway constriction

6. Blood Thickness And Blood Clot 

Some supplements could thicken the blood abnormally, such as when taken excessively due to mislabeling. When this happens, there’s a possibility that the veins and arteries may clot, which can be fatal.

Some of the signs and symptoms of blood thickness and blood clot include the following: coughing out of the blood 

  • stabbing chest pain 
  • throat tightness 
  • chronic pain 
  • unusual warmth in the limbs 

7. Supplement Withdrawal Symptoms

A sudden change of supplements, inform or dosage, may result in supplement withdrawal symptoms. These could be characterized by poor vitamin absorption as the body may not work as efficiently as before until it has adjusted to its new condition. 

While these may be rare, they might still happen. Below are some of the typical symptoms people experience: 

  • mood changes 
  • increased or decreased appetite 
  • lethargy 
  • chronic fatigue 
  • compromised immunity 

8. Liver Injury

Liver problems are one of the effects of mislabeled supplements, particularly weight loss and bodybuilding products. This is because the liver is the primary organ that processes everything that’s taken orally.  

Among the different ingredients, the following are some of those believed to damage the liver: 

  • Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids 

These could be the most common ingredients found in mislabeled herb-based dietary supplements, such as comfrey, groomwell, liferoot, Eupotarium, and borage. While these could be safe when taken in small amounts, prolonged use may contribute to the clogging of the veins of the liver. This condition could lead to severe abdominal pain, scarring, liver failure, and even death. 

  • Some Herbs 

Herbs such as celandine, Atractylis gummifera, pennyroyal, and Garcinia cambonga are believed to induce liver damage. While they may not directly cause liver issues, they’re known to lead to the accumulation of liver fluids that generally start the problem. 

The effects of these problematic ingredients may double when coupled with certain conditions, such as obesity, pregnancy, and chronic alcohol consumption, as well as some genetic problems. If you’ve been taking a specific supplement and experience symptoms such as jaundice, vomiting, and abdominal pain in the right part of your tummy, you may need to consult a doctor.

Checking Supplement Labels

Supplements are monitored by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Today, the agency has implemented more stringent rules in ensuring the quality and safety of the products. Yet, no matter how stringent the process of assessment is, there are still faulty supplements that could reach stores and buyers.

To increase your chances of buying the products with the right labels, you may need to consider doing the following: 

  • Contact a point person in FDA when you’re in doubt. 
  • Research seriously about the products. Read product and customer reviews to identify supplements with previous cases of mislabeling. Identify the common ingredients that may trigger allergies and other health issues.
  • Try to learn about the FDA procedures, standards, and approval process. 
  • Know the difference between pre-market and final approvals. Some products pass the pre-market stage, but fail in the succeeding assessments. 
  • Look for special marks and safety seals. 

Final Thoughts 

Taking supplements has been away for many people to keep up with their nutrition deficiencies. For example, green supplements are popular today because of the health benefits they claim to offer. However, remember that not all products could provide what they promise on their labels.  For this purpose, compare supplements, read reviews about them, and ask people who’ve used them for years before picking and taking one.

While this may seem like a harmless situation, mislabeling could produce a cluster of dangers, including legal issues and health problems. If you bought or took a mislabeled supplement, you may revisit this article. The insights here could help you better understand this issue. Most importantly, when things go south, you ought to seek the help of your physician, or you may hire a dependable and qualified lawyer to help you obtain the compensation you deserve. 


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