4 Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain

4 Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is the most common discomfort a person can experience during their lifetime. This isn’t surprising since the shoulder is one of the most – if not, the most – complex joint in our body.

Fortunately, shoulder pain can be easily treated with home remedies and over the counter drugs, which can cure the discomfort within several days. There are also a couple of exercises that you can do to heal and prevent the issue altogether.Nerve Renew Order Now

Another way is to visit websites like helphealmeortho.com, which will provide you with vital information and services on how to treat the affected shoulder.

Here are 4 remedies for shoulder pain that you can implement at home:

1. Compresses

If your shoulder is hurting, compressing the area might lessen the pain and help with the healing process. You can also use a cold or hot compress to help with the swelling, although you should know when is the best time to use both.

Here are tips on how to use compression:

  • Wrapping the shoulder with an elastic medical bandage will prevent you from inadvertently overworking the shoulder joint. Secure the bandage snugly but not tightly. You’ll know that it’s tight once you feel a tingling sensation in your fingers. This means that blood flow is being heavily obstructed.
  • If the shoulder pain occurred when you accidentally strained it, apply cold compress first. The idea is to prevent as much inflammation as possible since your body will be sending chemicals to the area in an attempt to heal it. Apply cold compress 48 hours after sustaining the injury.
  • Hot compress is best applied several days after suffering a strain or sprain. It will help with encouraging blood flow in the area, thereby accelerating the healing process of the injury.

2. Medications and Salt Baths

Over-the-counter drugs can provide a lot of alleviation from the discomfort caused by shoulder pain. However, it’s important to consult your doctor and be wary of the medication you’re taking. It’s also important to determine which drugs are best for your recovery.

Here are three medicines which are best taken when a shoulder pain is plaguing you:

  • Anti-inflammatory medication works well with a shoulder injury as it can lessen the swelling in the affected area
  • Muscle relaxants are also great at alleviating your discomfort. However, you will need a prescription from a physician to buy them as they can be habit-forming. Also, don’t take these when you’re driving, especially when the weather is unfavorable.
  • Of course, pain medication is your best option to assuage your predicament. But it’s best to take them at a minimum dose since their side effects include heartburn and upsetting the stomach. To avoid these side effects, you can opt for a pain medication coming in the form of gels and creams.

The salt bath remedy is quite old, but recent studies made by the Michigan State University show that salts create a soothing effect on the skin and makes you feel relaxed when experiencing cramping shoulder pains caused by muscle and joint inflammation, or anxiety and stress.

Epsom salt helps with the production of serotonin that reduces stress, as serotonin gives your brain a mood-elevating compound that creates a feeling of calmness to your mind and body.

Salt baths can also help you sleep better and lowers your blood pressure – which is essential for keeping your stress levels down.

Follow these easy steps for a soothing salt bathe:

  • Fill your bathtub with warm water
  • Add bathing salts or Epsom salt
  • Soak immersed for 10-20 minutesCreatine Muscle Builder buy

3. Start warming up and stay active

The best way to recover from shoulder pain is exercising. However, it’s important to remember a couple of basic tips before jumping in.

Things to remember before stretching and exercising:

  • Watch your form to avoid further injuring the affected region
  • Warm up before doing anything. Simple movements such as soft shoulder rolls or some stretching will ready your muscles for the exercise.

Most of the time, people who suffer from shoulder pain opt to decrease their activity to the point that it becomes detrimental.

Yes, it may be painful to be up and about when your shoulder is bothering you, but it would be so much worse if you don’t try to exercise them. Moreover, stretching and exercising the shoulders can strengthen the muscles in the area that will decrease the likelihood of injuring them in the future.

Here are three exercises that will help alleviate your shoulder pain:

  • Arm across the chest
  • Raise your arm in front of you and keep it parallel to your waist.
  • Then, reach with your left elbow and clamped it on your right elbow.
  • Pull your left arm so that your right arm is horizontally positioned across your chest.
  • If you feel pain, stop until it subsides. You should be able to hold it for at least 30 seconds and repeat the process at least three times.
  • Neck to shoulder stretch
  • Sit down while observing proper posture.
  • Then, slowly bend your chin downwards until you feel slight stress on your neck and nape.
  • shoulder, bend your head towards your left.
  • To stretch your left shoulder, bend your head towards your right.
  • Repeat this at least three times.
  • Vertical shoulder breathing
  • While sitting or kneeling, position your head so that it sits directly between your shoulders.
  • Take a deep breath and bring the shoulders up as you do so.
  • Exhale and bring them down. You should be able to feel your shoulder blades settling in once you exhale.
  • Repeat this for about 45 seconds to 1 minute.

4. Massage

Massage is often used as a remedy for shoulder pains. It can reduce muscle stress, strain, nerve compression, and joint pressure. By manipulating your muscles and soft tissues using pressure, a massage can create an involuntary response that relaxes your muscles.

If you’re independent, you can always use a tennis ball and a sock to get a massage by yourself. Here’s what you can do:

  • Put the tennis ball into the sock, and position the ball and sock onto your back.
  • Go to a flat wall and apply pressure to ball and sock by leaning and using your weight against the wall.

A soothing massage can give the following benefits:

  • Loosen tight muscles
  • Increased range of motion
  • Improved blood circulation

Additionally, here are some types of massage you could ask for when having a home massage service:

  • Swedish – This massage involves smooth and long strokes, or kneading and circular motion for your outermost muscle layers.
  • Deep tissue – This type of massage utilizes slow strokes and friction for your innermost muscle layers.
  • Shiatsu – This massage targets acupuncture points using finger pressure.Joint Advance, Joint Advance Reviews, Joint Advance Buy

Closing thoughts

Acute shoulder pain typically lasts several days at the least, to a couple of weeks at the most. Rest and observe the injured part to keep track of your progress. Remember, pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Listen well, and your road to recovery will be short and unmemorable.

May you also use the tips on this article to keep your shoulder pain at bay. Keeping yourself healthy and having a regular exercise schedule will surely help prevent future shoulder pains.