3 Common Hurdles People Face When Doing Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular Exercise

There are so many benefits to cardiovascular exercise it is a shame more people don’t take advantage of it. From enjoying tennis to swimming and running, cardiovascular exercise can be an activity that we can enjoy as an important part of our lives. What is cardiovascular exercise and how does it benefit the human body? What are some types of cardiovascular exercise we can enjoy and what are the hurdles that people face when undertaking it? It all starts with awareness.

What is Cardiovascular Exercise?

Cardiovascular exercise, most often referred to as cardio exercise or even simply “cardio”, is the physical activity that exercises the cardiovascular system including the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels to strengthen them. This is the “core” of your human body and is critical to health, energy, and wellness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies heart disease as the number one cause of deaths in American’s and cardio exercise can reduce the risk. It is no wonder so many people have an interest in learning more about it.

The Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

While cardiovascular exercise will often pay dividends in muscle tone, strength, and improved skills, by definition, these are not the main goals of the activity. Sure, you can improve lap times and your tennis game through the cardiovascular activities of these sports, but the real benefits lie in your overall health. These benefits include:

  • Weight loss: Cardio burns calories and when paired with a healthier diet, it will certainly help participants lose weight. This is often the major reason people get involved in cardiovascular exercise. Weight loss creates lots of additional health benefits like a reduced risk of diabetes, increased energy and an increased sense of wellness.
  • Reduced risk of heart disease: A strong heart is generally a healthier heart and cardio exercise keeps the heart pumping and toned up. Like your other muscles, the heart needs to work to stay in shape. Cardio helps your heart gain strength.
  • Reduced risk of some types cancers: Next to heart disease, the second highest cause of death is cancer. Evidence is mounting linking cardiovascular disease (CVD) with various forms of cancer. Obesity, hyperglycemia, and hypertension can be reduced through cardiovascular exercise, which may also reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Builds stamina: For those who too often feel tired or worn out, cardiovascular disease may be the answer. These types of exercises increase blood and oxygen flow and when undertaken with the knowledge of a medical professional, can be used to increase stamina. This stamina, in turn, can help participants undertake increasingly challenging activities to improve their health even more.
  • Can result in stronger lungs: Cardiovascular exercise improves the ability for the body’s muscles to pull oxygen out of the blood. While initially breathing may be labored, it will ultimately improve, reducing the need for the heart to pump more blood to the muscles. The strengthened heart and lungs can work in better harmony in providing the body what it needs.
  • Stress reduction: Many have discovered that cardio can help them “burn off” the stress of the day. Running, cycling or swimming often results in a calmness that benefits the mind, body, and spirit. Grunting through a tennis swing can be a good release of built-up stress. Don’t stress about exercise. Exercise to reduce stress.
  • Temporary relief from depression and anxiety: As effective as cardio can be in reducing stress, it can have similar benefits for the temporary relief of depression and anxiety. Cardio exercise like tennis forces the mind and body to focus on the activity at hand, reducing mental anxiety and depression.

What are Types of Cardiovascular Exercise?

Simply put, cardiovascular exercise is that which gets the heart pumping and the blood flowing for an extended period of time. Here are some common cardio-related activities.


There are a lot of advantages to swimming. It is easy on the joints, it keeps you cool during your workout and it works out much of the body. The challenges are that outdoor pools are often crowded and there may be limited availability of indoor pools.


Tennis is a terrific cardio workout. It involves the legs, arms, chest, and has the added benefit of improved hand-eye coordination. Tennis can also be more enjoyable because it is undertaken with a partner or partners.


Running and jogging are extremely popular cardio workouts because there are few barriers to it. It takes no equipment or skills and running and jogging can be done just about anywhere. The only issues could potentially be the weather and running can be tough on the joints.


Biking or cycling is not only popular for cardio exercise, it is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Entry level bicycles can be purchased for about $100 with quality bikes available in excess of $1000.

The 3 Hurdles People Face

So with all the proven benefits of cardio exercise and all the various options available to take advantages of it, why don’t more people take part? What are the hurdles facing those trying to live a healthier lifestyle?

  1. Mental Barriers – One of the biggest obstacles we face is between our ears. We sometimes focus on the work cardio exercise involves when we should focus on the benefits of getting toned up, losing weight, improving stamina, and building strength and a healthier heart. Getting over mental barriers like “I’m too tired” or “I’m too busy”, are excuses worth overcoming.
  2. You find exercise boring and not enjoyable – Choosing a cardio activity that involves a sport or another person like tennis can help overcome the “boring” aspects of cardio. You can also take pride in improving your athletic skills as well as your health and wellness. You may find yourself enjoying your new exercise program.
  3. Lack of confidence or fear of injury or soreness – Many resist getting involved in cardio exercise because they may feel they are “not in shape to get in shape”. Understand that you can get into cardio at your own pace and improve intensity as your confidence and health improves. Consider any soreness you experience as a sign it is working.

Getting Started Early

One of the best ways to make cardiovascular exercise a part of life is to get started early. Getting young people involved in cardio sports like tennis can improve their health, attitudes, and confidence. Programs like tennis camps can build friendships, mental toughness, and sportsmanship. Since tennis is a sport people can play well into their adulthood, it can be a lifelong gift. It may even turn into a family activity to improve the health and wellness of all involved.

Explore the benefits of tennis and other cardio activities and get involved. Your body will thank you for it.