15 Benefits of Drinking Water That You May Not Know About
The song remains; drink eight glasses of water daily, it is good for your health. These and many other variations of praise for water have the general society aware they should drink more water than they currently are. However, that still doesn’t happen. What more, the eight glasses per day is an outdated rule. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine suggests that for the adult female should take 11 cups (2.7 liters) and 15 cups for (3.7 liters) for the adult male. That is, however, one assumption; globally, there seems not to be an agreement of how much water one should take daily.
Another fact is that 60 percent of our bodies are indeed made up of water, and it is something that we should replenish. But what does that mean for the body? Here we explore the reasons why you ought to consider taking more water daily.
How much water do we require?
Even with the recommendations that various medical bodies have on the amount of water one should drink, it essentially varies from person to person. There are apps that aid you remember to drink water. They factor in your weight and BMI to determine how much water to take daily.
That means that in a family, everyone will end up drinking various amounts, even those with home carers. It also depends on the amount of activity a person engages in. It also matters how much sweating takes place, what other sources of water a person is taking and the like. If you’re taking milk, nutritious foods, and natural fruit drinks throughout the day, then you can drink less plain water because of the water content in the said drinks. These and other factors determine how much water you ought to take.
There are instances where you should up your water intake. That includes on a hot day or when exercising and you’re sweating a lot, when you are vomiting or have diarrhea, and when you’re feeling feverish.
Benefits of drinking water
Here are 15 benefits of drinking water :-
#1. Prevents dehydration
When one is dehydrated, it means one is using and releasing more water than what is being taken in. That leads to an imbalance of the body’s electrolytes (potassium, sodium, and phosphate, etc.) which carry electrical signals between cells. When there is reduced water, the signals scramble. That can lead to passing out, involving involuntary muscle movements and even seizures.
#2. Joint lubrication
Our cartilage, located in the joints and the disks in the spine, contains approximately 80 percent of water. When you don’t drink enough water, then you’re likely to have trouble moving them as easily, leading to joint pain. Being dehydrated also reduces the joints’ ability to absorb shock.
#3. Energizes muscles during exercise
One is meant to take water before and during exercise to supplement the water from getting lost as one sweat. The best time to take water is two hours before exercise to avoid getting a stitch. The aim is to prevent dehydration and to promote joint lubrication.
#4. Enhances brain functions
Not taking adequate water affects one’s brain function, and over some time, the structure. As a result, it leads to issues with concentration, thinking, and even reasoning. An example of knowing you’re dehydrated included when you have brain fatigue and sometimes feel like you’re about to pass out.
#5. Aids the digestive system
When you don’t indeed have enough water in your system, it can lead to digestive issues such as higher pH stomach acid that leads to heartburn, ulcers, and other related illnesses. Another problem it causes is constipation. Some types of fiber cement in your system during digestion when you don’t take water. That could ultimately lead to hemorrhoids.
#6. Flushes out toxins
Whether in urine, sweat, or feces, water is vital in the elimination of toxins in the body. Without it, the liver and kidney are not able to function correctly in their waste elimination duties, among others.
#7. Boost skin appearance
People who drink water have visibly, brighter faces. When you don’t take water, you’re risking having skin problems and also inviting premature wrinkling of your skin. Drink adequate water to get a glow and watch skin issues, including acne, get better or disappear altogether.
#8. Body temperature regulation
Sweating is the body’s way to regulate temperature. When you sweat, your body cools off as the water evaporates. When you’re dehydrated, the body is unable to cool down as it should. It leads to cases of heat stroke or even fainting. That is especially when you’re doing sports outdoors on a hot day.
#9. Regulates blood pressure
Lack of water in the body makes the blood thicker. When it is, it means that the heart is working harder to pump blood, leading to increased blood pressure. It also triggers the kidneys to retain water, and the brain triggers the feeling of thirst because of the cardiovascular strain.
#10. Prevents kidney damage
Kidney stones come about also when one doesn’t drink enough water. When there are kidney stones, the liver function is impaired. When that happens, it is not able to remove waste and extra water in the body. The kidney’s purpose is to remove waste in the blood, transform it into urine that then goes to the urethra. When your urine is pale yellow, it is an indication that you’re dehydrated. It is also an indication of waste building up in the body.
#11. Prevents UTI
Urinary tract infections are among the most common infections in the body. When left untreated, it travels up to the kidney leading to acute kidney infections. When you’re hydrated, the urethra remains healthy and working at optimum. Water also treats existing UTIs.
#12. Aids in weight loss
There is research showing that taking water aids in weight loss. That only, however, works when you’re drinking water only and not sweetened or fizzy drinks. Equally, when you take water, your appetite is suppressed. The body often confuses thirst with hunger, leading to excessive eating.
#13. Important for dental hygiene
When you consume water instead of sweetened drinks, you’re able to prevent tooth decay. It keeps the mouth clean, maintaining the pH balance.
#14. Aids in saliva production
Saliva is part of the digestive enzymes that we have in our body. You, therefore, need adequate hydration to keep the saliva quantities up. That way, you’re able to eat food without having to chase it with water or other drinks to be able to chew comfortably.
#15. Mucus production
When you take water, you’re able to keep not just your mouth but also your nose and eyes most. That way, you prevent damage due to friction. If your eyes feel grainy and itchy, then it’s an indication that you don’t have enough water in your system.
Three tips to aid you to take more water
Take water with every meal and snack. That way, you don’t have to rely on your memory and apps to remember to take water.
Supplement with fruits and vegetables increases your hydration. According to research, 20 percent of fluids we take in daily come from foods.
Always have drinking water with you. Have bottles of water by your bedside table, in the car, at your desk and in your bad to ensure maximum hydration.