14 CrossFit Workouts You Can Do at Home

14 CrossFit Workouts You Can Do at Home

CrossFit has taken the world by storm with its dynamic, competitive approach to improving the body’s overall performance in real-world situations. The fitness trend involves completing Workout of the Day (WOD) circuits made up of different exercises, oftentimes incorporating the “As Many Rounds as Possible” (AMRAP) concept in a targeted span of time. It is recommended to begin CrossFit under professional guidance, so you learn to maintain proper form to avoid injury. Afterwards, you can easily exercise with greater independence. Your busy schedule may not always align with your ideal CrossFit regimen. When life, love, work, and travel get in the way of visiting your favorite CrossFit gym, you can still make up for it by exercising on your own. Challenge yourself with these 14 CrossFit workouts that you can mix, match, and complete in the comfort of your home.crazy bulk

1. 5 Minute AMRAP

This full-body workout is short, but intense. In 5 minutes, squeeze in several rounds of 10 Air Squats, 10 Push Ups, and 10 Sit-Ups. Feel free to repeat another 5-minute routine after a period of rest.CrossFit Workouts

2. 10 Minute Bodyweight AMRAP

In 10 minutes, try to do as many sets as you can of 10 Push-ups, 10 Air Squats, and 20 Crunches. This is a longer variation of the previous WOD that involves Crunches instead of full Sit-Ups.

3. 15 Minute Leg AMRAP

In 15 minutes, do as many sets of 10 Burpees and 25 High Knees as possible. This workout is meant to increase your endurance. If you want to tone your core as a bonus, modify those High Knees by turning them into High Knee Oblique Twists.

CrossFit Workouts

4. 20 Minute AMRAP

In the span of 20 minutes, do as many sets of 5 Push-Ups, 10 Sit-Ups, and 15 Squats as possible. This is one of the most basic 20-minute Crossfit staples that follow the AMRAP concept.

5. 20 Minute AMRAP “Hit It Hard”

Crossfit icon Jason Khalipa created this workout and swears by it. Do as many sets of 15 Squats, 15 Push-Ups, and 15 Sit-Ups in 20 minutes. To get the most out of this routine, focus on “hitting it hard” instead of just going through the motions. Khalipa usually does this 3 times a week after 2 to 3 minutes of Jumping Jacks.

6. 20 Minute Cindy

This can only be done if you have a Chin Up Bar at home. Do 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, and 15 Squats in 20 minutes. Challenge yourself by aiming to complete 20 rounds within 20 minutes.CrossFit Workouts

7. Poor Man’s Seven

No equipment? No problem. This full bodyweight circuit requires you to complete 7 rounds of the following: 7 Handstand Push-Ups, 7 Squats, 7 Pull-Ups, 7 Burpees, 7 Push-Ups, 7 Sit-Ups, and 7 Knees to Elbows.

8. Endurance AMRAP

If you’ve got a bit of space inside or outside your home, try this endurance building exercise. Do a 10-meter Sprint, followed by 5 Burpees, and end with another 10-meter Sprint. Do as many rounds until you just can’t take it anymore.

9. 21-15-9 Bodyweight

Do 21 reps of Air Squats followed by 21 reps of Push-Ups. Follow this up with 15 reps of each. Finally, end with 9 reps of each.CrossFit Workouts

10. Runs and Burpees

You’ll need a treadmill or be willing to go outside and run around the block for this one. Run half a mile, then do 20 Burpees. Repeat at least two more times.

11. The Squat Routine

This WOD was created by Eric Hamilton and begins by holding the bottom of a Squat for a full two minutes. If you take breaks, make sure you pick up where you left off in order to accumulate two whole minutes. Afterwards, do 3 rounds of 10 Burpees, 10 Sit-Ups, and 20 Air Squats.

12. 100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats

Attempt to complete a circuit of 100 reps each of Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, and Squats. Maintaining proper form is always the most important thing to remember while working out. If you feel your form slipping, slow down to focus or take the breaks you need.

13. One Punch Man

The hilarious and beloved anime series One Punch Man has the titular hero Saitama crediting this daily workout for his development of super strength. Do the previous workout of 100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, and 100 Squats but add a 10-kilometer (6.2-mile) run at the end. You’ll need to get outside or have a treadmill to complete this one. Unlike Saitama, you need not overdo it by doing the One Punch Man workout everyday.Nitric Max Muscle Reviews

14. Chelsea

This is the exercise that incorporates the Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) concept. The result has you do a staggering 150 Pull-Ups, 300 Push-Ups, and 450 Air Squats in 30 minutes. In every minute of those 30 minutes, perform 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, and 15 Squats. This is considered an achievement that should not be attempted regularly. It is meant for athletes to monitor their progress by completing the Chelsea once every few months.