13 Foods That Increase Testosterone Levels

Foods That Increase Testosterone Levels

13 Foods That Increase Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the body especially for men. However, the levels of this key hormone start to diminish as men age, which may result in various symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle strength, lack of sex drive, weight gain, and even depression.

Fortunately, it is possible to elevate testosterone levels naturally by eating the right foods and exercising. Foods rich in B vitamins and zinc are particularly recommended for boosting testosterone production naturally.

Here Are 13 Foods That Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

  1. Beets


Beets contain a high level of boron, which is what contributes to testosterone production. Boron is a very important mineral in the body for the production of testosterone and particularly boosting the levels of free testosterone.

Researchers in a study involving healthy men that took 10 mg of boron every day for 6 days had an increase in their levels of free testosterone, a reduction in the concentrations of 3 biomarkers for inflammation, and a reduction in estradiol.

Beets work in the same way as drugs popularly prescribed for erectile dysfunction. Beets boost the levels of nitric oxide in the blood, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the penis for harder and longer erections.

  1. Fatty Fish & Fish Oil

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish is particularly beneficial when it comes to boosting testosterone levels since they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. According to the results of a 2016 study involving animal subjects, fish oil can improve semen quality and boosts testosterone levels in dogs by improving their fatty acid profiles. A study involving mice had similar findings too.

  1. Eggs


Eggs are a powerful, natural food that can help boost testosterone levels in the body since they are rich sources of protein as well as vitamin B5 and B6. The yolks should be eaten as well as the white to ensure that you get all the nutrition that the egg has to offer.

Still, it is advisable to limit your consumption to just a few eggs every week since eating too many may lead to unhealthy excess protein in the body, particularly for those that eat meat too. Eggs are also high in cholesterol, which can lead to problems for men as they age.

  1. Garlic


Garlic contains allicin, which is a compound that’s credited with lowering the levels of cortisol, which is a hormone that is in competition with testosterone for the same locations within the muscles. Testosterone can do its job more effectively once the cortisol levels are lowered. Enjoy at least some of the garlic raw since it is more potent that way.

  1. Almonds


Almonds are a rich source of the mineral zinc, which has a reputation for boosting testosterone levels in zinc deficient people. If you are low in zinc, thus may prevent the pituitary gland from releasing some of the important hormones for boosting testosterone production. If you consume foods rich in zinc such as almonds, you will ensure that this does not happen and ensure that your testosterone levels don’t drop.

  1. Pineapples


Pineapples are a natural source of bromelain, which is an enzyme that’s best known as a digestive aid. Supplementation with bromelain, however, has been shown to help maintain the concentrations of testosterone in situations where the hormone declines, which suggests that it can help keep the levels of testosterone up.

While you may consider buying bromelain supplements, it is far better to make pineapples part of your diet because it is the only natural food source of the enzyme.

  1. Lemons


Lemons, along with other citrus fruits are great for boosting testosterone levels in the body. Much like garlic, they help lower cortisol levels in the body thus ensuring that testosterone can be more readily produced.

Lemons are also a rich source of vitamin A, which is necessary for testosterone production as well as lowering the estrogen levels thus allowing testosterone to be more effective.

  1. Pomegranate


Pomegranate might have earned a reputation for being somewhat problematic to eat, but this should not stop you from eating it. You might actually find that you prefer its juice, which is also good, since it has been shown that taking just 1 cup daily can increase the levels of testosterone by between 16 and 30 percent.

Pomegranate has also been shown to improve mood and boost sex drive. While research studies have focused only on pomegranate juice, it is better to eat the whole fruit since it offers supplementary nutrition and fiber.

  1. Spinach


Spinach is widely regarded as one of the best foods when it comes to boosting testosterone levels in the body. It is considered a super food and is a natural source of magnesium, which has been show to have a positive correlation to testosterone levels. Spinach also contains Iron and Vitamin B6, which are booth excellent testosterone boosters.

  1. Oysters


Oysters are seafood with the richest source of the mineral zinc. Zinc deficient men can experience a boost in their levels of free testosterone if they either eat foods rich in the mineral or take zinc supplements.

If you don’t fancy the idea of eating oysters, but still want to have zinc in your diet, you can consider including whole grains, beans, pumpkin seeds, sardines, wild-caught salmon, and nuts in your diet. Alternatively, you can take zinc supplements.

  1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is widely recognized as a great source of healthy monosaturated fats, but it has also been shown to boost testosterone levels too. One study found that men that consumed olive oil every day for 3 weeks showed a 17.4 percent increase in their levels of testosterone by the end of the study. To enjoy maximum health benefits, choose extra virgin olive oil.

  1. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium, which is a mineral with impressive testosterone boosting abilities. According to studies, consuming selenium regularly can raise testosterone levels in serum significantly. It also shows great promise as an infertility treatment.

The high selenium content is primarily responsible for the positive effect of Brazil nuts on testosterone levels. A 100-gram serving of Brazil nuts provides as much as 2739 percent of the recommended daily intake of selenium. It is advisable to take 3 to 6 Brazil Nuts every day as a natural selenium supplement.

  1. Celery


Celery is so powerful that just its smell is enough to raise the levels of testosterone in the body. Celery contains androsterone and androstenol, which are both two important plant sterols due to their positive effect in the production and action of androgens.

Celery also contains flavonoids that act as anti-estrogenic agents. Luteolin is one particular flavonoid with this kind of action. Apigenin is another flavonoid, which is a natural testosterone booster. For optimal results, celery should be eaten raw. Slice the stalks and enjoy with other testosterone boosting foods listed here.

Final Thoughts

Testosterone reduces naturally with age especially in men, but low levels could also be due to certain medications or medical conditions. If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, you should consult a doctor.

It is possible to boost testosterone levels in the body using food. Certain foods such as olive oil, celery, Brazil Nuts, pomegranate, spinach, lemons, and many others listed here can boost testosterone production in the body. Foods rich in magnesium, Vitamin D, and Zinc may be key.

You can also ensure that you receive the proper nutrients by eating a balanced diet always. Reducing stress and exercising are also great ways to boost testosterone levels in the body. For the best results, you may require a combination of approaches.

Foods That Increase Testosterone Level


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