10 Most Effective Exercises to Reduce the Sciatic Nerve Pain

Exercises to Reduce the Sciatic Nerve Pain

10 Most Effective Exercises to Reduce the Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain radiates from the lower back and then extend its claws to either side of the buttocks. There is no doubt that sciatic nerve pain or sciatica is incredibly painful to bear, but it is not something that cannot be treated. 

Usually, sciatica gets better on its own, but if you are experiencing excruciating pain for a long time, it is time to do something about it. There is no better medicine than exercise, and the good thing about stretches for sciatica pain relief is the fact that they do not require any equipment like some other workout routines. 

Therefore, we have discussed here the ten most effective exercises to reduce the sciatic nerve pain so that you can get some respite from this blinding pain. 

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#1. Extensions:

Extensions are great for sciatica because they facilitate the movement of fluids in the spinal discs, and the best thing about them is that they are incredibly convenient to do. Lie flat on your stomach and spread your hands and legs to a full stretch. Raise the right arm and left leg then, raise the left arm and the right leg. Repeat the cycle at least ten times, and you will be done. 

#2. Hamstring stretches:

Hamstring muscles surround the nerves located at the back of our legs, and as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, these muscles shorten, and hamstring tightens, which increases the load on our backs. Therefore, doing the hamstring stretch will help in lengthening the muscles, which will reduce the pressure on your back and reduce sciatica. 

Hamstring stretches have many variants, but all of them are quite easy to do and have a simple procedure of straightening the leg in front of your body and holding the stretch for at least 30 seconds.

#3. Back flexion:

Back flexion involves lying down on your back and pulling the legs in front of your chest such that the back muscles are engaged, which is exhausted by the long hours of sitting or standing. As a result, you will feel a lot of stress being relieved from your back area, and sciatic nerve pain will improve because the muscles around the spine are stretched.

#4. Bridging:

Bridging is a great way to activate your core muscles, and it involves lying down on your back and pushing the buttocks upwards such that everything below the chest is in the air and is aligned in a straight line. If you feel that your lower abs and lower back muscles are engaged, then it means that you are doing a good enough job. As a result, your lower back will feel incredibly light, and sciatica will get much milder due to the activation of core muscles.  

#5. Lumbar rotation:

Lumber rotation could work wonders if you had a long day at work where you had to sit for long hours and feel that sciatica is starting to kick in. You can do these rotations by lying on your back, bending the knees, and moving them right and left, and as a result, you will feel a significant loosening around your hip region.

#6. Downward facing dog:

Stiff hamstrings and weak core muscles constitute the perfect combination of causing sciatic nerve pains. Downward facing dog exercise can significantly help in this regard as it does not only stretch the hamstrings but also engages the core muscles and helps in developing stability.

You can start by lying on the floor such that your knees are directly under your hips and hands ahead of your shoulders. Push your toes inside, spread your fingertips, and start elevating your knees from the floor such that your tailbone is lengthened and your head is between your arms. Now, shift the weight back on your heels slowly such that they touch the ground. Do not feel discouraged if you cannot do it the first time as it will take some repetition for your hamstring to develop this much flexibility.  

#7. Cobra pose:

Lunging forward on your desks for long hours can pinch the sciatic nerve, which causes immense pain and discomfort. Cobra pose helps by opening your chest and shoulders, and the stretch also engages the front of the hips, which releases the pressure between the disks. You can start doing the cobra pose by lying on your stomach with your arms pointed towards your feet in a straight line.

Lift your head and stomach by pushing your tucked-in arms backward such that the stretch is felt in your abdomen and quads. It is recommended to hold the posture for around 30 to 50 seconds. But, if you are not able to hold it for even 30 seconds, do not worry and keep doing it daily until you reach the recommended threshold.

#8. Low profile lunge:

Low lunge is an integral component of various yoga routines because it helps in stretching the hips and flexors and also engages the core muscles for stability. Lunges are quite simple to do as you can start doing them by putting one leg forward and the other one extended behind you. Push your weight on to the lower leg by gradually lowering it until you feel a stretch in your hips and flexors. Hold the pose for at least 30 seconds and repeat the lunge with the other leg. 

#9. Dead Bug:

The dead bug is an incredible exercise for the strengthening of your core muscles, whose strength is paramount in safeguarding your spine from unnatural movements. Moreover, this stretching exercise will align your spine and reduce the compression on your discs. You can start doing this exercise by lying on the floor on your back and lifting your legs at a 90-degree angle.

Now, take your stretched right leg closer to the ground and lift your left arm simultaneously while keeping the left leg at the 90-degree angle. Try to hold the stretch for around 3 seconds and then bring the extended leg and arm back into the initial position. Repeat the stretch with the other leg, and arm try to do at least 8 to 10 repetitions.

#10. Kneeling arm and leg reach:

It is another excellent exercise for the strengthening of your core muscles, and additionally, it also strengthens the glutes and relieves pressure from the lower spine. To do this exercise, put yourself in ‘all fours’ position, that means that your whole body will be supported on your hands and knees such that hands will be below shoulders and knees must be below hips.

Keep your spine well-aligned and neutral to engage the core muscles, and your head must be aligned with the spine. Once you have achieved stability in this posture, extend your right arm ahead of you and your left leg behind you and hold the pose for 5 to 10 seconds. Now, repeat the stretch with the other arm and leg, and it is recommended to do around 10 to 15 repetitions of this stretching exercise.

In a nutshell, sciatic nerve pains have become part and parcel of modern life that promotes a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, you must always look to alleviate the effects of sciatica by being active and doing the exercises mentioned above.


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