10 Benefits of Verju Fat Reduction Laser Therapy

10 Benefits of Verju Fat Reduction Laser Therapy

The Verju laser system represents nothing short of a revolution in the treatment of stubborn body fat and cellulite. The recent green diode upgrades to the system have made it even more effective and efficient than it already was. And that’s saying something. More beneficial laser energy is now brought to bear on stubborn adipose tissue resulting in even faster treatment times and 25% reductions in overall circumference of the treated areas. You can subject yourself to the pain and expense of liposuction if you wish. But there is a better way and its name is Verju.Get Ultra Trim buy

The Many Benefits of the Verju Laser System

People tend to be resistant to change and we understand that. As such, instead of simply saying “What are you waiting for?” we’re going to provide you 10 benefits of the Verju fat reduction laser system and let you decide for yourself if you should give it a try. Ready? Here goes:

1. Low impact –

If a person opts to have liposuction they can expect to spend weeks consulting with various doctors and preparing for the procedure. That procedure itself is extremely painful and typically requires the person to miss 7 to 10 days of work and spend several more weeks or even months in pain before things start to settle down. With the Verju laser system there is no impact. The person can rise from the table at the end of their treatment and return immediately to their normal routine.

2. Affordable –

A single course of liposuction for a single area of the body (say the lower abdomen) can cost $5,000 to $10,000 depending on where it is done. Should you also wish to have fat and cellulite removed from another area expect to pay a similar amount (and spend a similar amount of time recovering). While the exact amount you’ll pay for a series of Verju laser treatments will depend on how many treatments you undergo, the total cost will be a fraction of what you would pay for comparable liposuction treatments.

3. Does not damage tissue –

Liposuction and other treatments achieve their results by attacking and destroying fat cells and then vacuuming them out of the body. In the process huge amounts of surrounding tissue is also destroyed, bruised and bloodied. Which is why people emerge from such treatments with extensive bruising and considerable pain that may take weeks – and in some cases months – to overcome. With the Verju fat reduction laser no cells or surrounding tissue is damaged or destroyed. Instead the laser prompts the fats cells to initiate their own self-elimination protocols, the same as they would do naturally if they were being burned for energy.

4. Convenient –

Most old-fashioned fat reduction therapies like liposuction require enormous commitments of time. You need to somehow carve days and weeks out of your busy schedule to undergo the treatment and the cost of the process must also include lost work income while you recuperate. With the Verju laser system you leave work at lunch time, pop around to the clinic, undergo your treatment and are back in time for that big 1 o’clock meeting. There has never been a more efficient and convenient method of fat reduction.

5. No pain –

Besides cost the thing that has stayed many people’s hand when it comes to committing to various fat reduction treatments up to now has been the pain involved. With lipo for instance, a steel rod is shoved under the surface of the skin and aggressively rooted around in an effort to break up and destroy fat deposits. In the process muscles can get damaged along with tendons and even bones if the steel probe encounters them. The whole thing is like putting your body through a meat grinder and the pain is confirmation of that. In some cases it can take 3 months or more for the pain to fully subside. 3 months! No wonder people are hesitant. With the Verju fat reduction laser however there is no pain. And hence, no need for potentially addictive painkillers.Luna Trim buy

6. No anaesthesia required –

Because the Verju system is completely non-invasive, doesn’t damage tissue and generates no pain there is no need to undergo anaesthesia. You simply walk into the clinic or spa, undergo your treatment and walk out. No chance of a potentially fatal reaction to the anaesthesia, no grogginess in the hours afterward and no sudden onset of excruciating pain once the anaesthesia wears off.

7. Quick results –

The speed and effectiveness of the Verju laser system expresses itself in myriad ways including your ability to pop in for a treatment on your lunch hour. Beyond that though there is also the fact that you will start to see real, quantifiable results after just a few short treatment sessions. No waiting for months as can happen with diet plans or some of the other, now-outdated fat reduction therapies out there. Verju produces tangible results quickly and the improvements keep coming throughout the course of your treatments.

8. Sustainable results –

With fad diets (and even non-fad diets) the challenge is not to lose body fat but to keep it off. This is never an issue with the Verju laser system. While patients are always strongly urged to follow healthy diet and exercise regimes in the wake of treatment, should a bit of adipose tissue nonetheless rear its head on your lower abdomen, thighs, hips or buttocks it will only take a few treatment sessions to restore order and beauty. The key it to catch it early.

9. Greater confidence –

At the end of the day you are going to look markedly better and feel healthier and lighter on your feet than you have in years after your Verju fat reduction laser treatments. One result of this sea change in your physiology will be a boost in confidence. You’ll look better in your swimsuit or while making your way around the gym. Your suits will fit better and you’ll look and feel like you are on top of the world. Enhanced personal confidence is a benefit of the Verju laser system that cannot be overstated and one that will pay sustained dividends in your personal and professional life for years to come.

10. Greater overall health –

It doesn’t take a lot of excess fat to endanger your health. Just a few pounds around the midsection can significantly raise your chances of developing cardiovascular problems and perhaps suffering a heart attack. By eliminating the last vestiges of stubborn fat deposits you are not only going to look and feel better, you won’t just enjoy an elevated sense of confidence and be lighter on your feet than you have since your teenage years, you’ll also make a very real improvement in your overall health both today and in the long term. That alone is reason enough to look into the Verju fat reduction laser instead of other more expensive, more painful and less effective alternatives. Dietrine buy

If the time has come to discover a healthier, happier, more confident you then the time has come to consider the many benefits of the Verju laser fat reduction system. This revolutionary treatment to eliminate stubborn fat deposits is available today at a clinic or spa near you.